Well hello again, everyone. I know it has been awhile. A long while. I guess I took a break from all things "cancer" for a bit. I was done with treatment and needed to just spend some time getting back to normal. I was hoping that once I got the chemo out of my body, that once I was stabilized and done with the rigors of everything treatment entails, I would be able to just pick up where my life abruptly stopped on November 26, 2013. I was wrong, it hasn't been that easy.
In May, we moved back into our house which was like a shrine to my pre-cancer life. It looked like we just dropped everything and left....and essentially we had. There were maternity clothes in the laundry. New work clothes I had purchased for my job I had spent just four days at, sat in the bags with tags on them. The baby's room was full of clothes that he grew out of without ever having a chance to wear them. I saw the couch where I spent most of my days last Fall because I was so tired. In our bedroom pain pill bottles were strewn about along with a heating pad, all remnants of my attempts to make the pain go away before I knew what was really going on with me.
My cousin, Elizabeth, did a wonderful thing. Knowing that my house was going to trigger some bad thoughts, she came over and repainted the living room. She decorated it and brightened the room so that I could have a clean slate and not be too threatened by the thoughts of the past. I don't know that I could have come back to the same house. So much had changed in six short months and the fears and anxiety did come back when I walked through the doors of my house. It was overwhelming. My world had been turned upside down and inside out. I had had the safety and comfort of my parent's house, of them being there, to cushion me and now we were on our own. I knew it had to be done. If I stayed at my parents', the cancer would be winning. I was determined to show the rest of the world that I could get on with my life and begin healing.
In true Jodie fashion, I took on too much. I have always been a lot like my father in terms of doing everything at once. I can't just start things slowly and easily. I have to take them on full bore and push the limits. For instance, I'm not going to go to the gym and do five minutes on the elliptical and build up from there. No, no no. I am going to go for at least 30 minutes. What happens then? Well, you end up in bed for two days afterward. I found that out quickly. My body had been through the ringer. Chemo, again, is essentially poison that just debilitates you to no end and you have to be conscious of what your body has been through. Muscles are weak and atrophied, bones are achy, joints are stiff. In my case, I had the added bonus of pregnancy changes to my body to deal with. I essentially had not worked out for at least the last 18 months. But I wanted to show everyone, including myself, that I was coming out ahead of the game. That I had the stamina and resilience to do anything I wanted. So I tore out the backsplash in our kitchen. Paid for it by having to sleep hours upon hours. I then decided to redo my whole front garden. Ended up with a sore back and neck. Didn't learn my lesson. Bought a bike, figuring that was low-impact. Ended up with runner's knee. The straw that broke the camel's back? Rolling over in bed after a few days of working out and lifting a 25lb baby only to have excrutiating neck spasms. I was toast. Couldn't lift my head off the pillow. My father had to carry me out of bed. This was it. I realized right then and there, cancer had ruined me physically. It was an incredibly frustrating realization. I know, as you get older, things get tougher. But this was different. I look at my body in the mirror and I just don't look like the same person I was six months ago. I have varicose veins and cellulite. I used to just accept that parts of my body were never going to be what I wanted, but there were areas that I could appreciate. Now, I don't see anything I like anymore. No more flat stomach. My arms make me cringe. They are covered with bruises from low platelets and my shoulders round over from poor posture. I hate not having my hair. Hate it. I'm missing my favorite accessory. In the past, whenever I fluctuated in weight, at least I had good hair that I could use to detract from my hips or my butt. But that's gone now, and in it's place is an overgrown brush cut. Everyone tells me that I look "beautiful" with short hair, but I don't feel it. I pull on the hair every time I am trying to style it, in hopes that this makes it grow longer quicker. I just don't feel like me anymore physically or mentally. I can't explain it without sounding like an ungrateful bitch. I'm so lucky to be alive and that my cancer responded to treatment. God and I talk every night about how blessed I am to be here. But, if you all want the truth, and I vowed with this blog to give the truth, I feel that every day I am walking a tightrope between grateful feelings and overwhelming depression and anxiety.
I am not the same person I was for the past 35 years. I am now a person living with cancer and its effects. But I am alive, and I feel that each day I have to show my appreciation for that. If I sleep in, I feel guilt. Guilt that I am not making the most of each moment. If I send my baby to daycare, I feel guilt. Guilt that I am not enjoying what time I have with him because who knows when things could change. If I go shopping and spend money, there is guilt. Why? Because cancer was supposed to show me it wasn't about material things. Not to mention that going shopping for clothes is beyond depressing now. I am in the "pretty plus" section and even buying things that fit right, I feel ugly. There, I said it. I feel like I look like a giant blob whenever I catch my reflection in the windows when I am out and about. And to top it all off? Yeah, my skin decided to erupt (another medication side effect) so I looked like Cyclops for a while there.
Some of you are probably thinking that I am going off the deep end here. I'm not. I take an anti-depressant and for the most part, I stay on the even-keel throughout my days. I have just learned to accept that this is my new normal. Hair grows back and weight can be lost. But, to a person who goes all-in and expects instant gratification, the wait for long hair and a skinnier body is going to be trying and getting these things won't be as easy as it was in the past. My new treatment plan involves taking Tamoxifen and getting a Lupron shot once a month. Easy, right? Not exactly. The side effects of these two things reads like a list of every girl's nightmares. Weight gain, hair thinning, mood swings, joint pain, insomnia, hot flashes. But, the drugs are working, so I should shut my mouth and quit my complaining. That is the battle I have in my head day-in and day-out. You're alive, you brat. But I want my old life back. In this moment, I feel like throwing my body on the floor and having an old-fashioned tantrum. I want to scream "GIVE IT BACK!"
But here I sit, typing and trying to control my anger and frustration. The hardest part of this whole recuperation and treatment has become my mood swings. My doctor warned me back in April that I would have pretty severe ones. I assured him that I could handle it and he said that these mood swings were more like "put down your weapons" kinds of craziness. I just laughed it off. In the few months that I have been on the pills, I have become aware of my shift in personality. What also doesn't help is being on a different anti-depressant. I had been on my old one for over 10 years and liked who I was on it. Now I just feel like a bitch. (Sorry I keep swearing, but bitch is the best way to describe it!) I can be totally fine for most of the day and then every little thing will irritate me. The way my husband chews, the way Sam is crying, the way the cat is looking at me! Seriously, I become irate! I literally have a dialogue in my head to calm myself down. I have to count and breathe to get myself through it. I find myself yelling and screaming about things and I see the way that Bill looks at me, and hate myself for being like this. But I honestly feel that I can't help it anymore than I already am. But I hate it. He doesn't deserve it, the baby doesn't either. Anyone that knows me also knows that I just adore my cats. Now I find myself screaming at them and pushing them aside more than petting them. I feel as if I have been rewired into this new person that is a complete stranger to me.
I just feel awful when it affects how I deal with Sam. He's a baby who can't communicate and needs a mommy who understands. Today I found myself losing my cool when he wouldn't nap. Bill finally came and took him from me because I needed a break. As he walked away from me with that sweet little boy in his arms, I burst into tears. What have I become? I feel like a monster. I feel like a failure as a mother in these moments, but I feel so helpless to my mood swings. Am I cheating Sammy out of a true mother experience? I already feel like he looks to Bill for love and affection more than me. I feel like I've done that to myself by not being there for him all the time. By sending him to daycare so I could sleep. Am I just a lazy lump? I don't know.
I guess it is time to go back to the therapist. I know I need to talk some of this stuff out. I still have fears. Just today I was reading about a woman who had breast cancer diagnosed in 1997 at age 29 and she died in 2009, I believe. It set me over the edge and reeling. I'm good right now, but when is the cancer coming back and will I beat it the next time? I mean, 12 years is a long time to live with it, but have you ever thought about what it's like to put an expiration date on your life? I find myself thinking about myself in 12 years and where will we be and what if I have to let go then?
I went shopping and as I was trying on sunglasses, I looked at my face. The acne, the swelling, the short hair. The stranger. And I saw the necklaces and jewelry dangling behind me and thought of previous summers where I would be buying jewelry to match a dress that I had to have because it made me feel beautiful. My heart sunk. I don't feel pretty anymore. And then, as I drove home, "If I die young" by The Band Perry came on the radio. Tears streamed down my cheeks as I sang the words aloud and thought about death and how I have faced it this past year on more than one occasion. And I thought about how it is always there. On the paperwork I have to fill out for benefits. Do you know what it is like to have to check a yes box on a paper next to the question "is this expected to result in death?" Do you?
Last year at this time, I was full of life in anticipation of welcoming my little boy. Now, I fight. Some days are better than others. Today was the first day in a long time that I felt sorrow. Maybe I needed a good cry, and I needed to vent. I don't know. I feel somewhat better after the tears have subsided. And I'm still in fight mode, that part of me never left. I guess I have to adjust to the person I have become and recognize all that I have been through. We all know that we are our own harshest critic. Bill told me I need to ease up on myself and while I was crying he set Sammy down. That little buggie crawled over to my feet, pulled himself up to my knees and touched my hands and smiled at me. It was like he knew I needed him in that moment. And he needed me. Sammy reminded me that I am still the person he grew inside of and gave him life. I'm the person who held him in the hospital for hours and rocked him to soothe his cries. I am and always will be his mother and cancer cannot and will not take that from me. I scooped him up and told myself, "We STILL got this!"
A blog about a 36-year-old mother's journey through the trials and tribulations of a cancer diagnosis and her mission to cure herself through laughter!
We Got This!

Me and the husband
Friday, July 11, 2014
Monday, May 5, 2014
A Mother's Love Conquers All
Today I was able to soak up some sunshine, take my baby boy out and about and spend time with my mom. Overall a good day, where I got to dream my dreams, make plans, see the sun one more time, and kiss my baby on his little round head as many times as I wanted. Yes, cancer did rear its ugly head this morning. It always manages to impede some part of my day. Today it was in the shape of a doctor's appointment. It was a simple follow-up with my oncologist, no scans, no bloodwork, nothing to be spooked about. I went alone because I wanted to just have a conversation with the doctor about my diagnosis, the thoughts that the GI specialists at Roswell passed along, and to go over some of the things I have changed in my every day life in order to get myself healthy. It was a good conversation, he was proud of me for the exercise I am doing and he felt my abdomen where I was having pain, and didn't feel anything to be concerned about. This is my new normal. Going to the doctor and talking symptoms, energy level, planning new scans. I left cautiously optimistic that I am in a good place. I have taken ownership over my diagnosis and am actively involved in the decision-making for my treatment. I'm finally back in charge of myself and healthy enough to speak up and ask questions for myself. For a while I was relying upon my family and Bill to listen to the doctors and give the ok. I just wasn't there mentally to do it. I put a lot of faith into them, into the doctors, that if I gave myself wholly to this fight, they would be doing right by me and doing their part to keep me alive. I left the office today, glad for how far I have come and hopeful for where the journey will go next. I felt like I had a handle on the cancer, a leg up if you will. That I was getting somewhere. The sun was shining and I was confident for the first time in a long time.
Of course this was short-lived. I had a nagging feeling all day about cancer. That it was going to take a life today, hurt someone, devastate a family, break hearts. And unfortunately, I was right. Jenna Hinman, a local woman who thousands have prayed for over the past two months, lost her brave battle with cancer this afternoon. For those of you that don't know Jenna's story, it is intense. Jenna delivered twin girls prematurely in March and it was quickly discovered that she was full of cancer, a rare cancer of the placenta had ravaged her body. Her girls were transferred to the NICU here in Syracuse while Jenna was placed on life support in the ICU. Her husband, a soldier out of Fort Drum, was by her side every day. Jenna's fight to stay alive became the community's fight. It became a national story with thousands praying for her recovery and following her progress. The news was usually upbeat, with small steps toward recovery seeming to happen regularly. But then this weekend, Jenna took a turn for the worse with a serious case of pneumonia. She was fighting valiantly, but her body gave out and the world was informed today that she passed suddenly this afternoon.
I read the news with a lump in my throat. I had some idea it was coming, but that didn't make it any easier. Did I know Jenna? No. Did I pray for her? Every day. She was a part of my "list." The list of women who I feel a kinship to, who are young moms that were dealt with the most difficult of circumstances. Bring a child into this world while waging a war against cancer. Sounds easy, right? (sarcasm). I, unfortunately, am not alone in circumstances. Throughout this journey, many have shared with me the stories of friends and relatives who found their cancer while pregnant or had a child and found out the devastating news as I did a few months in. Some of you are familiar with Dr. Jen Arnold from the show "The Little Couple." She actually developed cancer from a miscarriage. She had to fight with her all after bringing home her adopted daughter. And there are many others.
I found myself getting angry tonight. Not at my doctors or their doctors, but just finally saying this is bullshit. One of my friends on Facebook said it best. This is supposed to be the celebration of a wonderful beginning, of becoming a mom, celebrating all your "firsts." And what has happened? Myself, Jenna, Jen, and all of the others have been forced to ask for help, hand over the care of our babies to others while we give our everything to be there for our children for the long haul. It is bullshit,(sorry I am swearing, but it is the only word that does it justice), that these women, myself included, have missed out on the joy of first teeth, first words, first steps because we are in the hospital, at a specialist in another city, or even just in bed completely wiped out from therapy.
What kind of God does this? Throughout my fight, I have had faith. I have said prayers, gotten on my knees and said novenas, prayed to St. Jude, carried crosses, worn blessed beads. I've surrendered myself, put myself in God's hands and stayed true to my faith when the world seemed to crumble. But with Jenna's death, I have no perspective. I have to reasoning. There is no rationality to it. A young, beautiful woman with two baby girls who needed her, has died. Where is the greater plan in that? I can't rationalize this one, God. I can't see how this is for the best. And I call bullshit.
We as women, new moms, already have our hands full. And I can't say or hear again "God gives us that which we can handle." Again, bullshit. At this point, with all I have seen, the friends I have made along the way, the kinships I've formed with women I have never met, who walk this same path with me, you can understand my anger. Guess what? There are days when I cannot handle all that I have been given. There have been days of exhaustion, where I have been hovering over a toilet of puke or lying in my bed throbbing in pain, where I have wanted to say ENOUGH! I'm not that strong, and why, why WHY have you chosen me to walk this path? Why can't I have the "normal" pregnancy? Why can't I have the regular new mom problems? Like whether to breastfeed or formula-feed?
No, instead I have had to be separated from my baby for 24 hours when I have PET scans, figure out who was going to watch him because daycare was out due to germs being brought home to my weakened immune system. I had to pack my baby and husband up and move in with my parents. I had to become a burden.
Today, I had to get in my car and just drive when I heard of Jenna's death. I wanted to push the accelerator into the floor of my car, go as fast as I could, to unleash my rage. I was angry crying, wanting to beat things. I felt like a little girl who was having a tantrum. I was. I was an adult throwing a tantrum. It was as if I was asking "why?" only to have my parents say "because!" Just infuriating.
My poor husband, he didn't know what to say, what I was going to do. No one could possibly know what to say. This was between me and God. My mom said, "Something good has got to happen soon." And she's right, enough is enough with the loss, the tragedy, the sadness. As I drove today, I looked to the sky, I demanded answers. Of course, I knew they wouldn't come. The universe remains a mystery, and no one will ever know why we end up on certain paths toward certain destinies. Shedding tears, raging within, none of this will answer my questions. I will never know why I got cancer. Why I got cancer four months after Sam blessed my life. Why I have had successful treatments while others have suffered and lost. I also will never know why in those moments of feeling defeat, I was able to pick myself up and soldier on. We just don't know. I just know that despite the pain I've gone through, the exhaustion, the needles, the tears, I have learned that I am a survivor. I have been told by many that I've been through more in 9 months than most go through in a lifetime. My baby, Sam, is the reason I am alive today. If not for him, I don't know if I would have had the same amount of fight in me. I stay positive, for Sam. I choke down vitamins and smoothies, for Sam. I was poked with needles over and over again, for Sam. And now I exercise, research new treatments, seek out knowledge, for Sam.
They say there is no stronger love than that of a mother. And they are right. Nothing can knock out cancer more than a pissed off mama bear. I have waited my whole life to be Sam's mom. I will be damned if cancer takes that away from me. The loss of Jenna resonates with many of us mothers. She won't be able to see her girls grow up in this world. But she fought longer and harder than many of us could have.
As I drove today and thought of Jenna, I glanced toward the sky. I found my answer in the form of a rainbow coming through the clouds, assuring me that her battle was not fought in vain. That rainbow didn't answer why, but it illuminated the darkness of the moment. It was as if Jenna herself were telling me that there is hope, that this isn't all for naught. That rainbow eased my pain, reassured me and made me see again. Thank you, Jenna. You're right, us moms, we got this!
Of course this was short-lived. I had a nagging feeling all day about cancer. That it was going to take a life today, hurt someone, devastate a family, break hearts. And unfortunately, I was right. Jenna Hinman, a local woman who thousands have prayed for over the past two months, lost her brave battle with cancer this afternoon. For those of you that don't know Jenna's story, it is intense. Jenna delivered twin girls prematurely in March and it was quickly discovered that she was full of cancer, a rare cancer of the placenta had ravaged her body. Her girls were transferred to the NICU here in Syracuse while Jenna was placed on life support in the ICU. Her husband, a soldier out of Fort Drum, was by her side every day. Jenna's fight to stay alive became the community's fight. It became a national story with thousands praying for her recovery and following her progress. The news was usually upbeat, with small steps toward recovery seeming to happen regularly. But then this weekend, Jenna took a turn for the worse with a serious case of pneumonia. She was fighting valiantly, but her body gave out and the world was informed today that she passed suddenly this afternoon.
I read the news with a lump in my throat. I had some idea it was coming, but that didn't make it any easier. Did I know Jenna? No. Did I pray for her? Every day. She was a part of my "list." The list of women who I feel a kinship to, who are young moms that were dealt with the most difficult of circumstances. Bring a child into this world while waging a war against cancer. Sounds easy, right? (sarcasm). I, unfortunately, am not alone in circumstances. Throughout this journey, many have shared with me the stories of friends and relatives who found their cancer while pregnant or had a child and found out the devastating news as I did a few months in. Some of you are familiar with Dr. Jen Arnold from the show "The Little Couple." She actually developed cancer from a miscarriage. She had to fight with her all after bringing home her adopted daughter. And there are many others.
I found myself getting angry tonight. Not at my doctors or their doctors, but just finally saying this is bullshit. One of my friends on Facebook said it best. This is supposed to be the celebration of a wonderful beginning, of becoming a mom, celebrating all your "firsts." And what has happened? Myself, Jenna, Jen, and all of the others have been forced to ask for help, hand over the care of our babies to others while we give our everything to be there for our children for the long haul. It is bullshit,(sorry I am swearing, but it is the only word that does it justice), that these women, myself included, have missed out on the joy of first teeth, first words, first steps because we are in the hospital, at a specialist in another city, or even just in bed completely wiped out from therapy.
What kind of God does this? Throughout my fight, I have had faith. I have said prayers, gotten on my knees and said novenas, prayed to St. Jude, carried crosses, worn blessed beads. I've surrendered myself, put myself in God's hands and stayed true to my faith when the world seemed to crumble. But with Jenna's death, I have no perspective. I have to reasoning. There is no rationality to it. A young, beautiful woman with two baby girls who needed her, has died. Where is the greater plan in that? I can't rationalize this one, God. I can't see how this is for the best. And I call bullshit.
We as women, new moms, already have our hands full. And I can't say or hear again "God gives us that which we can handle." Again, bullshit. At this point, with all I have seen, the friends I have made along the way, the kinships I've formed with women I have never met, who walk this same path with me, you can understand my anger. Guess what? There are days when I cannot handle all that I have been given. There have been days of exhaustion, where I have been hovering over a toilet of puke or lying in my bed throbbing in pain, where I have wanted to say ENOUGH! I'm not that strong, and why, why WHY have you chosen me to walk this path? Why can't I have the "normal" pregnancy? Why can't I have the regular new mom problems? Like whether to breastfeed or formula-feed?
No, instead I have had to be separated from my baby for 24 hours when I have PET scans, figure out who was going to watch him because daycare was out due to germs being brought home to my weakened immune system. I had to pack my baby and husband up and move in with my parents. I had to become a burden.
Today, I had to get in my car and just drive when I heard of Jenna's death. I wanted to push the accelerator into the floor of my car, go as fast as I could, to unleash my rage. I was angry crying, wanting to beat things. I felt like a little girl who was having a tantrum. I was. I was an adult throwing a tantrum. It was as if I was asking "why?" only to have my parents say "because!" Just infuriating.
My poor husband, he didn't know what to say, what I was going to do. No one could possibly know what to say. This was between me and God. My mom said, "Something good has got to happen soon." And she's right, enough is enough with the loss, the tragedy, the sadness. As I drove today, I looked to the sky, I demanded answers. Of course, I knew they wouldn't come. The universe remains a mystery, and no one will ever know why we end up on certain paths toward certain destinies. Shedding tears, raging within, none of this will answer my questions. I will never know why I got cancer. Why I got cancer four months after Sam blessed my life. Why I have had successful treatments while others have suffered and lost. I also will never know why in those moments of feeling defeat, I was able to pick myself up and soldier on. We just don't know. I just know that despite the pain I've gone through, the exhaustion, the needles, the tears, I have learned that I am a survivor. I have been told by many that I've been through more in 9 months than most go through in a lifetime. My baby, Sam, is the reason I am alive today. If not for him, I don't know if I would have had the same amount of fight in me. I stay positive, for Sam. I choke down vitamins and smoothies, for Sam. I was poked with needles over and over again, for Sam. And now I exercise, research new treatments, seek out knowledge, for Sam.
They say there is no stronger love than that of a mother. And they are right. Nothing can knock out cancer more than a pissed off mama bear. I have waited my whole life to be Sam's mom. I will be damned if cancer takes that away from me. The loss of Jenna resonates with many of us mothers. She won't be able to see her girls grow up in this world. But she fought longer and harder than many of us could have.
As I drove today and thought of Jenna, I glanced toward the sky. I found my answer in the form of a rainbow coming through the clouds, assuring me that her battle was not fought in vain. That rainbow didn't answer why, but it illuminated the darkness of the moment. It was as if Jenna herself were telling me that there is hope, that this isn't all for naught. That rainbow eased my pain, reassured me and made me see again. Thank you, Jenna. You're right, us moms, we got this!
Wednesday, April 23, 2014
A Zebra Finds Some Hope
I'm a zebra. I found this out a while ago when researching my cancer. Everyone knows that pink ribbons are breast cancer supporters. Purple is Alzheimer's. Yellow for military. There are all sorts of colors representing all sorts of groups. Leave it to me to have the "animal print" ribbon. Neuroendocrine cancers are represented by the stripes of the zebra. Foolish me, I thought that this was someone's idea after running out of options and making a fashion statement. However, after reading an article by a specialist at Roswell, I now understand why we are zebras.
I always knew my cancer was unique, especially because of its presentation in my breast. However, I didn't realize that neuroendocrine tumors only make up about 2% of the cancer world. Us zebras, you can't put us in a box either. People ask me all the time, "Well, what cancer do you have anyway?" When I tell them that it is neuroendocrine small cell carcinoma, that's primary location was the breast and then metastases to the liver, they immediately think "OH you have breast cancer! Save the boobies!" But that couldn't be further from the case. These tumors are so misunderstood, in fact, that even Johns Hopkins sent me to the wrong specialist. They again tried to put me in the same box as breast cancer. Not the case. In fact, if anything, my cancer is more like a lung cancer....however, no sign of it in my lungs THANKS BE TO GOD! But, then you add in that my cancer tests estrogen positive, and again people think "breast cancer." So you can imagine how confusing it has been walking the tightrope of diagnosis these past five months. I'm often face to face with doctors who are known as the most intelligent people in their field, and they are dumbfounded. I've sat in a doctor's office and watched a specialist actually Google my condition. Yes, Google. Now, we all know me, and I have always been unique, but this is one time where I would love to be run-of-the-mill, average, vanilla...bland even. No such luck. I am relegated to the zebra preserve.
I've recently reached out to my fellow zebras. I found a very small group on Facebook of people dealing with this cancer. I'm not going to lie. Some of the stories are devastating. There is so little known about our cancer, and there are so few of us...and then you top it off with mine having such an odd presentation, I feel like a leper in the cancer world! The group is composed mainly of caregivers and relatives of people being devastated by this cancer. There are a handful of people fighting along with me. It's hard, for me at least, to read the posts of the caregivers. They talk of the scary stuff, the poor prognosis, the debilitating surgeries their loved ones have endured. The crazy aggressiveness of this cancer is what gets them the most. I understand that they too need an outlet for their fears and frustrations, but caregivers and fighters shouldn't be lumped in the same group. I don't want to hear about the horrors. I want to stay positive, earn my zebra stripes by fighting with my all! There are a couple of people that I can identify with in the group. One, Susan, is a lot like me. She is stabilized currently and remains positive in her posts. She praises God for each day, and reaches out to support anyone who posts in the forum. I find comfort in Susan. I've needed to find comfort in someone who is fighting the same fight. I've needed that camaraderie. You see, once my chemo ended, I felt like I was slacking off on my fighting. I felt like without the chemo, I was basically sitting around waiting for things to spread, for the cancer to get comfortable in my body while I wasn't warding it off. I knew that my body could no longer sustain chemo. It just wasn't an option, but I was worried. I held my breath when I got my PET scan, knowing the aggressive nature of this cancer, and worrying that I was going to have glowing spots. I got the news I hoped for, that I was stabilized. Phew. Now I had to put my faith and hope in the hands of my doctors and the treatment plan.
I did put my faith in them, but there was a nagging feeling in my gut that I needed to do my part to understand my diagnosis. When I was diagnosed in November, it was such a whirlwind of appointments, biopsies, surgeries, chemo, hospital stays and motherhood. I did not have the mental capabilities to react as I would normally to anything that hits me in life. I've been a reporter, a research nut, a constant observer my entire life. I've figured out what people have had going on with them before they have or their doctors. I've pored over documents, searched the ends of the Internet, called on experts, done it all whenever I have been faced with a problem. And chances are, I could solve that problem if I put in the legwork. This was different. Cancer was a whole other beast that I was not ready to face. I told myself I would not research it in the beginning, because I wanted to keep myself positive, and not everything you read on the internet is reliable. I didn't need my mind to start spiraling in the wrong direction because of some random blog or a scholarly article that gave numbers I didn't to see. I have chosen, since the beginning, to not be given a "timeline." Who wants an expiration date on their life? And even then, we all know that you can drink milk after the expiration date and still enjoy it, so what's the point? :) I was thankful that I had a doctor who believed in my philosophy. He didn't talk in numbers, he never made me worry, he always had a plan. Yet he was very empathetic to my case and concerned about me as a whole person, not just the cancer, how was I dealing with all this chaos and trying to be a mom? I will never forget that about him.
So in those first months, my doctor had my full trust and faith. I would keep up the positivity, keep myself mentally strong, and he would take care of the physical part. I like to think we both kept up our ends of the bargain. Today I am stabilized and still positive and he got my breast tumor to resolve and kept me healthy through chemo. Now, at this crossroads, I've given myself permission to enact a new part of my warrior status. I am allowing myself, for the first time, to delve into my paperwork, to research my cancer, to return to my old roots....to be me again. I don't know if this has something to do with no longer being on chemo, so I am able to put that aside and focus on another part of my fight. I don't know if it is because I finally am starting to feel like me again. I finally went to a family function the other day and was able to crack people up. It's been months since I heard genuine laughter at the things I've got to say. Months since I could crack up a room and feel that lightness in my heart when I do it. Life has always, always been about humor to me. Without humor, you have nothing. For months, people haven't known what to do around me. Do they make jokes? Do they feel sorry for me? Do they not complain because I have it so much worse in their minds? Let's face it, people have been dealing with me with kids gloves on. And that's ok. There is no playbook for dealing with someone with cancer. Did I miss the laughter....god yes. Especially making people laugh....that is such my favorite thing to do. But finally, on Easter, I felt like I had my funny mojo back! And it felt so good!
I'm back to working out for the first time in 18 months. That's a HELL of a lot of time to be away from physical fitness. But I am working out with a group of cancer survivors and people in treatment. I find myself being a mother hen there, making sure I talk to everyone, check in on them, see how their journey is going. Of course, they all look at me as the youngin with a new baby and again, they feel sorry for me, but I try to take the focus off of me, to let them feel like we are all in this together, because that in turn helps me to put one foot in front of the other.
This zebra has slowly been regaining her old life back. I dove head first into my medical file, finally. I mentally told myself that I might not like what I was going to see, but that it had to be done. I would be letting the cancer win if I turned a blind eye to everything going on in my treatment. I felt ready. I knew it was time to open that binder, look at the results, come up with questions, and take ownership over my own health. After all, we are our only and best advocate in this medical game. If I was going to fight this and win, then I needed to take it all on, not just the parts I could handle.
Opening that folder and sifting through the papers was not easy. Each scan, biopsy report brought me back to that first week of my diagnosis. I remembered driving to the doctor, knowing my life would never be the same. Watching my mother sob to her sisters. I remember getting my first mammogram, knowing that something was lurking in my breast and kicking myself for not doing self breast exams. Those reports take me back to the anger, to the frightening moments, the dark times when I wasn't sure if I had it in me to do this.
The medical jargon is so confusing and unnerving, but I made myself stick with my research. I "pounded the pavement" on the Internet anyway, finding articles, looking for inconsistencies, hoping for answers. It was the first time where I got a real feel for what my cancer is and what it is not. I could understand now why I wasn't identifying with so many cancer victims. Everyone's story is different, but mine was so hard to distinguish and explain that I just felt better off keeping it to myself. I scattered the papers around me and looked at the dates, the letterhead, and I was back in that hospital room in Crouse getting my first chemo, missing my baby, and creating my plan to survive. I don't know when the switch went from dark to light, when I realized that I could no longer wallow, I had to take the bull by the horns and beat this thing. But I know that I did in that hospital room one off the many nights I was alone with my thoughts.
Delving into that paperwork, I finally was taking back control from the cancer, even from the doctors. Up until this point, I had been a fighter, but not in every sense of the word. The scared little girl remained in the back corner of my mind and was willing to let others make the decisions to steer the course. Yes, a lot of this was because physically and mentally, I just wasn't ready for the task. I had to surrender myself to the physical fight and get that out of the way. But now I was ready. I was ready to be me again. The person who gets to the bottom of things, solves problems, seeks solutions rather than sitting and letting things happen. All my life I have looked to better myself. Now I had to walk the walk. It felt exhilarating to be back in my old shoes. I'm a sleuth by nature, and guess what, I found some issues, some inconsistencies. I was able to be assertive, and call out my medical team on mistakes. I was also able to face the diagnosis head-on. I took to the internet to read all about it. When I got to the prognosis parts, I skipped over them and moved onto the next article. I found experts, researched their bios, worked through scholarly articles to find people all over the world who knew something about neuroendocrine tumors. I made contact with Houston, Texas, Nashville, Tennessee, Galway, Ireland, NIH, and ultimately Roswell Park in Buffalo. It was time that I was mentally in this fight and I finally felt I was there. I boldly took the step of emailing a doctor personally with my story. I wondered if he would bite. If he would take me on and try to get me some answers. The next morning, bright and early, I had a phone call from his office and an email exchange among his colleagues. I had hit the jackpot...and I had done it myself. I can't tell you how debilitating it is to have cancer. Not just physically, but mentally. It takes away all your fun, it tries to strip you of your identity, make you a slave to its treatment, and numb your mind. It is easy to get caught up in that mindset of treatment and to let fear overtake you and turn you into something you never were...a meek, scared, and almost helpless person. Wrestling your life back from cancer, going back to doing the things you love, and relishing in the mundane of simply researching something, that is what makes surviving worth it.
My work has paid off. I am in contact with what I feel is a wonderful doctor who has an idea of what she is up against here. She personally wrote me an email and has already answered my questions about my current treatment. We have decided to hold off on the hysterectomy until I see her. She's in Buffalo and she signs her emails with her first name. She wrote me back at 1 a.m. and ended her email by saying I am doing everything I can and that they are going to do all they can to help me. For the first time, I felt something come alive within me. I was jumpy and anxious, but in a good way. The cloud of fear which has dogged me since November, showed some slight breaks of sunshine. What was this feeling? Where was it coming from? It finally dawned on me, it was HOPE. It came trickling in at first. I liked how this woman sounded, I dealt with the new patient nurse and she was delightful. I ran around like a crazy woman last night, fedexing files, getting faxes put through and sending emails making sure all my ducks were in a row. I could barely sleep last night because of this newfound hope. I had been praying for a sign to know if I should go through with the hysterectomy, and I got that sign at 1 a.m. when the doctor emailed me back to hold off. I was ready to scream at that point, scream with relief that I finally found someone who understood what I was going through and genuinely had the ability to help me. She was an expert and I felt safe for the first time in a long time.
Tonight, as I was explaining this to my husband, I brought up Dr. Iyer's profile at Roswell. I wanted him to hear what she was an expert in and explain to him why I felt hopeful. As I read her profile, I clicked on an article she wrote for one of the discussion forums. As I read it, it was like my heart felt ten sizes lighter. Her writing was so much like mine. She was explaining my cancer in terms anyone could relate to. I just felt connected. And then I read this:
"To me, facing these cancers, like all cancers, is really a journey from being a patient to being a survivor—becoming someone who has taken their cancer and learned to live with it, to run with it, to make the most of life while fighting. We are here to help anyone become that kind of survivor, and I believe our patients appreciate it quite a bit. It is something I am very thrilled to be a part of."
I almost dropped to my knees in that moment. I wanted to thank God, my grandmas, Sister Mary Ann Cope, Aunt Kathy, Gloria, and Michelle for leading me to this woman. I know in my heart of hearts that they are all responsible for this doctor appearing before me.
I haven't allowed myself to feel hope in quite some time. Call it superstition, or fear, I just remained positive but didn't know what was in store for me. Now I have reason to believe that I can hope and I'm no longer a zebra wandering alone. This zebra is to fight on all levels now. I'm earning my stripes and learning to run with it. I will be that survivor, because I've got this!
I always knew my cancer was unique, especially because of its presentation in my breast. However, I didn't realize that neuroendocrine tumors only make up about 2% of the cancer world. Us zebras, you can't put us in a box either. People ask me all the time, "Well, what cancer do you have anyway?" When I tell them that it is neuroendocrine small cell carcinoma, that's primary location was the breast and then metastases to the liver, they immediately think "OH you have breast cancer! Save the boobies!" But that couldn't be further from the case. These tumors are so misunderstood, in fact, that even Johns Hopkins sent me to the wrong specialist. They again tried to put me in the same box as breast cancer. Not the case. In fact, if anything, my cancer is more like a lung cancer....however, no sign of it in my lungs THANKS BE TO GOD! But, then you add in that my cancer tests estrogen positive, and again people think "breast cancer." So you can imagine how confusing it has been walking the tightrope of diagnosis these past five months. I'm often face to face with doctors who are known as the most intelligent people in their field, and they are dumbfounded. I've sat in a doctor's office and watched a specialist actually Google my condition. Yes, Google. Now, we all know me, and I have always been unique, but this is one time where I would love to be run-of-the-mill, average, vanilla...bland even. No such luck. I am relegated to the zebra preserve.
I've recently reached out to my fellow zebras. I found a very small group on Facebook of people dealing with this cancer. I'm not going to lie. Some of the stories are devastating. There is so little known about our cancer, and there are so few of us...and then you top it off with mine having such an odd presentation, I feel like a leper in the cancer world! The group is composed mainly of caregivers and relatives of people being devastated by this cancer. There are a handful of people fighting along with me. It's hard, for me at least, to read the posts of the caregivers. They talk of the scary stuff, the poor prognosis, the debilitating surgeries their loved ones have endured. The crazy aggressiveness of this cancer is what gets them the most. I understand that they too need an outlet for their fears and frustrations, but caregivers and fighters shouldn't be lumped in the same group. I don't want to hear about the horrors. I want to stay positive, earn my zebra stripes by fighting with my all! There are a couple of people that I can identify with in the group. One, Susan, is a lot like me. She is stabilized currently and remains positive in her posts. She praises God for each day, and reaches out to support anyone who posts in the forum. I find comfort in Susan. I've needed to find comfort in someone who is fighting the same fight. I've needed that camaraderie. You see, once my chemo ended, I felt like I was slacking off on my fighting. I felt like without the chemo, I was basically sitting around waiting for things to spread, for the cancer to get comfortable in my body while I wasn't warding it off. I knew that my body could no longer sustain chemo. It just wasn't an option, but I was worried. I held my breath when I got my PET scan, knowing the aggressive nature of this cancer, and worrying that I was going to have glowing spots. I got the news I hoped for, that I was stabilized. Phew. Now I had to put my faith and hope in the hands of my doctors and the treatment plan.
I did put my faith in them, but there was a nagging feeling in my gut that I needed to do my part to understand my diagnosis. When I was diagnosed in November, it was such a whirlwind of appointments, biopsies, surgeries, chemo, hospital stays and motherhood. I did not have the mental capabilities to react as I would normally to anything that hits me in life. I've been a reporter, a research nut, a constant observer my entire life. I've figured out what people have had going on with them before they have or their doctors. I've pored over documents, searched the ends of the Internet, called on experts, done it all whenever I have been faced with a problem. And chances are, I could solve that problem if I put in the legwork. This was different. Cancer was a whole other beast that I was not ready to face. I told myself I would not research it in the beginning, because I wanted to keep myself positive, and not everything you read on the internet is reliable. I didn't need my mind to start spiraling in the wrong direction because of some random blog or a scholarly article that gave numbers I didn't to see. I have chosen, since the beginning, to not be given a "timeline." Who wants an expiration date on their life? And even then, we all know that you can drink milk after the expiration date and still enjoy it, so what's the point? :) I was thankful that I had a doctor who believed in my philosophy. He didn't talk in numbers, he never made me worry, he always had a plan. Yet he was very empathetic to my case and concerned about me as a whole person, not just the cancer, how was I dealing with all this chaos and trying to be a mom? I will never forget that about him.
So in those first months, my doctor had my full trust and faith. I would keep up the positivity, keep myself mentally strong, and he would take care of the physical part. I like to think we both kept up our ends of the bargain. Today I am stabilized and still positive and he got my breast tumor to resolve and kept me healthy through chemo. Now, at this crossroads, I've given myself permission to enact a new part of my warrior status. I am allowing myself, for the first time, to delve into my paperwork, to research my cancer, to return to my old roots....to be me again. I don't know if this has something to do with no longer being on chemo, so I am able to put that aside and focus on another part of my fight. I don't know if it is because I finally am starting to feel like me again. I finally went to a family function the other day and was able to crack people up. It's been months since I heard genuine laughter at the things I've got to say. Months since I could crack up a room and feel that lightness in my heart when I do it. Life has always, always been about humor to me. Without humor, you have nothing. For months, people haven't known what to do around me. Do they make jokes? Do they feel sorry for me? Do they not complain because I have it so much worse in their minds? Let's face it, people have been dealing with me with kids gloves on. And that's ok. There is no playbook for dealing with someone with cancer. Did I miss the laughter....god yes. Especially making people laugh....that is such my favorite thing to do. But finally, on Easter, I felt like I had my funny mojo back! And it felt so good!
I'm back to working out for the first time in 18 months. That's a HELL of a lot of time to be away from physical fitness. But I am working out with a group of cancer survivors and people in treatment. I find myself being a mother hen there, making sure I talk to everyone, check in on them, see how their journey is going. Of course, they all look at me as the youngin with a new baby and again, they feel sorry for me, but I try to take the focus off of me, to let them feel like we are all in this together, because that in turn helps me to put one foot in front of the other.
This zebra has slowly been regaining her old life back. I dove head first into my medical file, finally. I mentally told myself that I might not like what I was going to see, but that it had to be done. I would be letting the cancer win if I turned a blind eye to everything going on in my treatment. I felt ready. I knew it was time to open that binder, look at the results, come up with questions, and take ownership over my own health. After all, we are our only and best advocate in this medical game. If I was going to fight this and win, then I needed to take it all on, not just the parts I could handle.
Opening that folder and sifting through the papers was not easy. Each scan, biopsy report brought me back to that first week of my diagnosis. I remembered driving to the doctor, knowing my life would never be the same. Watching my mother sob to her sisters. I remember getting my first mammogram, knowing that something was lurking in my breast and kicking myself for not doing self breast exams. Those reports take me back to the anger, to the frightening moments, the dark times when I wasn't sure if I had it in me to do this.
The medical jargon is so confusing and unnerving, but I made myself stick with my research. I "pounded the pavement" on the Internet anyway, finding articles, looking for inconsistencies, hoping for answers. It was the first time where I got a real feel for what my cancer is and what it is not. I could understand now why I wasn't identifying with so many cancer victims. Everyone's story is different, but mine was so hard to distinguish and explain that I just felt better off keeping it to myself. I scattered the papers around me and looked at the dates, the letterhead, and I was back in that hospital room in Crouse getting my first chemo, missing my baby, and creating my plan to survive. I don't know when the switch went from dark to light, when I realized that I could no longer wallow, I had to take the bull by the horns and beat this thing. But I know that I did in that hospital room one off the many nights I was alone with my thoughts.
Delving into that paperwork, I finally was taking back control from the cancer, even from the doctors. Up until this point, I had been a fighter, but not in every sense of the word. The scared little girl remained in the back corner of my mind and was willing to let others make the decisions to steer the course. Yes, a lot of this was because physically and mentally, I just wasn't ready for the task. I had to surrender myself to the physical fight and get that out of the way. But now I was ready. I was ready to be me again. The person who gets to the bottom of things, solves problems, seeks solutions rather than sitting and letting things happen. All my life I have looked to better myself. Now I had to walk the walk. It felt exhilarating to be back in my old shoes. I'm a sleuth by nature, and guess what, I found some issues, some inconsistencies. I was able to be assertive, and call out my medical team on mistakes. I was also able to face the diagnosis head-on. I took to the internet to read all about it. When I got to the prognosis parts, I skipped over them and moved onto the next article. I found experts, researched their bios, worked through scholarly articles to find people all over the world who knew something about neuroendocrine tumors. I made contact with Houston, Texas, Nashville, Tennessee, Galway, Ireland, NIH, and ultimately Roswell Park in Buffalo. It was time that I was mentally in this fight and I finally felt I was there. I boldly took the step of emailing a doctor personally with my story. I wondered if he would bite. If he would take me on and try to get me some answers. The next morning, bright and early, I had a phone call from his office and an email exchange among his colleagues. I had hit the jackpot...and I had done it myself. I can't tell you how debilitating it is to have cancer. Not just physically, but mentally. It takes away all your fun, it tries to strip you of your identity, make you a slave to its treatment, and numb your mind. It is easy to get caught up in that mindset of treatment and to let fear overtake you and turn you into something you never were...a meek, scared, and almost helpless person. Wrestling your life back from cancer, going back to doing the things you love, and relishing in the mundane of simply researching something, that is what makes surviving worth it.
My work has paid off. I am in contact with what I feel is a wonderful doctor who has an idea of what she is up against here. She personally wrote me an email and has already answered my questions about my current treatment. We have decided to hold off on the hysterectomy until I see her. She's in Buffalo and she signs her emails with her first name. She wrote me back at 1 a.m. and ended her email by saying I am doing everything I can and that they are going to do all they can to help me. For the first time, I felt something come alive within me. I was jumpy and anxious, but in a good way. The cloud of fear which has dogged me since November, showed some slight breaks of sunshine. What was this feeling? Where was it coming from? It finally dawned on me, it was HOPE. It came trickling in at first. I liked how this woman sounded, I dealt with the new patient nurse and she was delightful. I ran around like a crazy woman last night, fedexing files, getting faxes put through and sending emails making sure all my ducks were in a row. I could barely sleep last night because of this newfound hope. I had been praying for a sign to know if I should go through with the hysterectomy, and I got that sign at 1 a.m. when the doctor emailed me back to hold off. I was ready to scream at that point, scream with relief that I finally found someone who understood what I was going through and genuinely had the ability to help me. She was an expert and I felt safe for the first time in a long time.
Tonight, as I was explaining this to my husband, I brought up Dr. Iyer's profile at Roswell. I wanted him to hear what she was an expert in and explain to him why I felt hopeful. As I read her profile, I clicked on an article she wrote for one of the discussion forums. As I read it, it was like my heart felt ten sizes lighter. Her writing was so much like mine. She was explaining my cancer in terms anyone could relate to. I just felt connected. And then I read this:
"To me, facing these cancers, like all cancers, is really a journey from being a patient to being a survivor—becoming someone who has taken their cancer and learned to live with it, to run with it, to make the most of life while fighting. We are here to help anyone become that kind of survivor, and I believe our patients appreciate it quite a bit. It is something I am very thrilled to be a part of."
I almost dropped to my knees in that moment. I wanted to thank God, my grandmas, Sister Mary Ann Cope, Aunt Kathy, Gloria, and Michelle for leading me to this woman. I know in my heart of hearts that they are all responsible for this doctor appearing before me.
I haven't allowed myself to feel hope in quite some time. Call it superstition, or fear, I just remained positive but didn't know what was in store for me. Now I have reason to believe that I can hope and I'm no longer a zebra wandering alone. This zebra is to fight on all levels now. I'm earning my stripes and learning to run with it. I will be that survivor, because I've got this!
Thursday, April 17, 2014
Ups and Downs, Highs and Lows
It's getting late and I already attempted to try and go to bed once. I figured if I stayed up late, watched some "Scandal" and ate some ice cream, I would be ok once the lights turned out. But I wasn't. I laid down and immediately my mind started to spin with all the information and non-information I was given today. And then the tears began to fall. Slowly at first, but quickly escalating to whimpers and sobs. I came downstairs to seek solace in my writing. To get out my frustrations, let the world know I am hurting, and hopefully be able to find some peace in between. No one else is awake in the house, except for my Herbie and Dottie Sue (my kitties) who, god bless them, stick by my side all night long to calm me and lull me to sleep. When I came down here raking back sobs and trying to quietly have my pity party, I was met by their big round eyes, staring at me from the floor and counter, wanting desperately to make me feel better. But I need this small pity party tonight, I need to mourn the loss of my "remission" status that I held onto for a week's time and basked in its glow. I'm back in limbo again, and I hate it. Hate it. There, I said it. I'll say it again. I hate it!
We met with the doctor today and I was expecting confetti and high fives all around, along with some smiles and "atta boys!" sprinkled in the mix. What I got was a doctor that was neither sad nor ecstatic, but rather matter-of-fact in saying "we just don't know." I went from 60 to 0. Last week I was squealing with excitement, facing the world with a newfound confidence, feeling like a warrior, glowing with anticipation of my future...I was allowing myself to even envision a future. Now, the rug has been pulled out yet again. I'm not officially cancer-free. There is no real way to tell what I have going on in my liver. I looked at the PET scan with my doctor, and he's right, we can't tell what if anything has changed. My liver, as is my diagnosis, are proving to be unique and nothing is black and white.
I had to make decisions today based on the little we do know, and had to put faith in my doctor and myself. Did I ask for a liver biopsy to try and see if there were still malignancies? But even that could provide false information depending on where they took their samples from. And even if it did come back malignant, would I want to try another chemo? My doctor assured me we had done the "top shelf" chemo (I thanked him because I have never been much of a "well" drinker) and that he didn't know that changing course would be the best answer. After all, the current chemo had resolved the nodules in my breast and chest. And I feel better. My liver is no longer enlarged and causing extreme pain. I'm working out now, and I feel better than I have in over a year. However, I do have my aches and pains, and those are always at the forefront of my mind. Are these cancer-related pains or are they just signs of a rusty old body getting back into things? To rest my own mind, I made the doctor look at my neck and the part of my chest that has been hurting. He is of the volition, as am I, that these are due to lack of use and regaining my strength back. Phew!
But there I was, sitting in that cramped little office, just my husband, me and the doctor. I had to take a deep breath and decide if I was going to put my full faith in the doctor. He suggested I stay on the tamoxifen, get a hysterectomy and repeat the scans sooner rather than later, in June. I felt like the wind had been taken from my sails. Even in the past 24 hours I was still riding high thinking I had beaten the SOB that is cancer. But even when I used the word "remission" I almost whispered it, for fear that it would somehow be taken from me....and it was.
I left the doctor after deciding to stick to our original plan. No liver biopsy, new scans in two months and a hysterectomy and tamoxifen. The doctor seemed encouraged that this would work to keep the cancer at bay. I asked him one final question before we left. I asked if I could say that my cancer had "stabilized" and if this was a good thing. He said I certainly could use that word, and that yes, this was a great thing.
I rode home with Bill, half-listening as he gave me a pep talk about all the good things that were said. How my feeling good was a sign that things were still on the up and up. How we were going to continue with our plans to move home, send Sam back to daycare, get my hysterectomy and continue to get me healthy so I could fight even harder. All the while he was talking, I couldn't help but think about what cancer had done to me in just over a week's time. I was given what I perceived as good news, allowed myself just the slightest bit of jubilation, all the while thinking in the back of my head that I should hold onto my doubts. Everyone with cancer will probably say the same thing. You don't believe anything the first time it is told to you. Good news you want repeated, written out, and repeated again. Cancer is all about waiting for the other shoe to drop. There is no such thing as relishing in the moment. As one of my fellow Livestrong program people said this week, "My life is a series of 3 month cycles of waiting, fearing, and then relief when I get my news." She was right. I thought often times over the course of this last week how I would prepare for my next scans. Yes, I was doing everything I could to enjoy life, be in the present, make plans and keep them. But in the back of my mind there lurked doubt, fear, anxiety. And now it had come true. I was given false hope. Now I needed to tell my family, my friends, my followers, that things were not all roses. It was embarrassing for one. And it was difficult to listen to others try and paint a silver lining. I bit my tongue all night long, I didn't want any of them to see me lose it. I would do that in solitude where no one could try and rally my spirits. I needed a good cry. I needed to feel what I was feeling.
So here I sit now, surrounded by cats, and tasting the salt of my tears. My liver is there, I can feel it, and there is an ache to it. Nothing like the extreme pain I was in prior to my diagnosis, but it is there. Does it scare me? You bet. Does it add to my tears? Of course. I hate this, as I said in the beginning. I just hate it. I want to go back to last spring, when I was hugely pregnant, complaining about lack of sleep, yet anticipating the love of my life. When my only worry was baby shower invites and room decorations. But you can't go back. There is no magic wand that brings you peace and clarity, that gives you all the answers you seek. Cancer doesn't play by the rules in that regard. And you are at the mercy of its rules.
So I sit, I cry, I whimper and beg for normalcy. I want to give my son a normal life, where he doesn't have to worry about his mom. One where we both know we will be here for each other. That sweet little man looks to me when he cries, he wants me to make it all better. He reaches out to me when he is afraid and tucks his head into my shoulder to feel safe. When he's napping, I take his tiny fingers in my hand and let their warmth and softness calm me. I whisper to him that I will never leave him. That I am always here. Damn you, cancer, for making me cling to these moments and ache at the thought of them being cut short some day.
Yes, I'm mad. I'm hurt and I'm scared. This neverending merry-go-round continues to spin and I continue to hang on. At least I am proving I am not going down without a fight. And who knew I had such fight in me? As I said last night, this journey is far from over. Little did I know, that I was still in for the long haul. I'm not giving up on that miracle. Not yet. I'm taking a deep breath, trusting in medicine, believing in hope and continuing the fight. I'm not done crying for the night. And I am sure there will be tears in the future. Afterall, nothing is assured in this life. I just know that I have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Do my part to feel good and be present. I can't let the darkness consume me, because then it has won. So bring on the curves, the pitfalls, and the bumps. I'm still standing and I'm wiping the tears away...because I got this!
We met with the doctor today and I was expecting confetti and high fives all around, along with some smiles and "atta boys!" sprinkled in the mix. What I got was a doctor that was neither sad nor ecstatic, but rather matter-of-fact in saying "we just don't know." I went from 60 to 0. Last week I was squealing with excitement, facing the world with a newfound confidence, feeling like a warrior, glowing with anticipation of my future...I was allowing myself to even envision a future. Now, the rug has been pulled out yet again. I'm not officially cancer-free. There is no real way to tell what I have going on in my liver. I looked at the PET scan with my doctor, and he's right, we can't tell what if anything has changed. My liver, as is my diagnosis, are proving to be unique and nothing is black and white.
I had to make decisions today based on the little we do know, and had to put faith in my doctor and myself. Did I ask for a liver biopsy to try and see if there were still malignancies? But even that could provide false information depending on where they took their samples from. And even if it did come back malignant, would I want to try another chemo? My doctor assured me we had done the "top shelf" chemo (I thanked him because I have never been much of a "well" drinker) and that he didn't know that changing course would be the best answer. After all, the current chemo had resolved the nodules in my breast and chest. And I feel better. My liver is no longer enlarged and causing extreme pain. I'm working out now, and I feel better than I have in over a year. However, I do have my aches and pains, and those are always at the forefront of my mind. Are these cancer-related pains or are they just signs of a rusty old body getting back into things? To rest my own mind, I made the doctor look at my neck and the part of my chest that has been hurting. He is of the volition, as am I, that these are due to lack of use and regaining my strength back. Phew!
But there I was, sitting in that cramped little office, just my husband, me and the doctor. I had to take a deep breath and decide if I was going to put my full faith in the doctor. He suggested I stay on the tamoxifen, get a hysterectomy and repeat the scans sooner rather than later, in June. I felt like the wind had been taken from my sails. Even in the past 24 hours I was still riding high thinking I had beaten the SOB that is cancer. But even when I used the word "remission" I almost whispered it, for fear that it would somehow be taken from me....and it was.
I left the doctor after deciding to stick to our original plan. No liver biopsy, new scans in two months and a hysterectomy and tamoxifen. The doctor seemed encouraged that this would work to keep the cancer at bay. I asked him one final question before we left. I asked if I could say that my cancer had "stabilized" and if this was a good thing. He said I certainly could use that word, and that yes, this was a great thing.
I rode home with Bill, half-listening as he gave me a pep talk about all the good things that were said. How my feeling good was a sign that things were still on the up and up. How we were going to continue with our plans to move home, send Sam back to daycare, get my hysterectomy and continue to get me healthy so I could fight even harder. All the while he was talking, I couldn't help but think about what cancer had done to me in just over a week's time. I was given what I perceived as good news, allowed myself just the slightest bit of jubilation, all the while thinking in the back of my head that I should hold onto my doubts. Everyone with cancer will probably say the same thing. You don't believe anything the first time it is told to you. Good news you want repeated, written out, and repeated again. Cancer is all about waiting for the other shoe to drop. There is no such thing as relishing in the moment. As one of my fellow Livestrong program people said this week, "My life is a series of 3 month cycles of waiting, fearing, and then relief when I get my news." She was right. I thought often times over the course of this last week how I would prepare for my next scans. Yes, I was doing everything I could to enjoy life, be in the present, make plans and keep them. But in the back of my mind there lurked doubt, fear, anxiety. And now it had come true. I was given false hope. Now I needed to tell my family, my friends, my followers, that things were not all roses. It was embarrassing for one. And it was difficult to listen to others try and paint a silver lining. I bit my tongue all night long, I didn't want any of them to see me lose it. I would do that in solitude where no one could try and rally my spirits. I needed a good cry. I needed to feel what I was feeling.
So here I sit now, surrounded by cats, and tasting the salt of my tears. My liver is there, I can feel it, and there is an ache to it. Nothing like the extreme pain I was in prior to my diagnosis, but it is there. Does it scare me? You bet. Does it add to my tears? Of course. I hate this, as I said in the beginning. I just hate it. I want to go back to last spring, when I was hugely pregnant, complaining about lack of sleep, yet anticipating the love of my life. When my only worry was baby shower invites and room decorations. But you can't go back. There is no magic wand that brings you peace and clarity, that gives you all the answers you seek. Cancer doesn't play by the rules in that regard. And you are at the mercy of its rules.
So I sit, I cry, I whimper and beg for normalcy. I want to give my son a normal life, where he doesn't have to worry about his mom. One where we both know we will be here for each other. That sweet little man looks to me when he cries, he wants me to make it all better. He reaches out to me when he is afraid and tucks his head into my shoulder to feel safe. When he's napping, I take his tiny fingers in my hand and let their warmth and softness calm me. I whisper to him that I will never leave him. That I am always here. Damn you, cancer, for making me cling to these moments and ache at the thought of them being cut short some day.
Yes, I'm mad. I'm hurt and I'm scared. This neverending merry-go-round continues to spin and I continue to hang on. At least I am proving I am not going down without a fight. And who knew I had such fight in me? As I said last night, this journey is far from over. Little did I know, that I was still in for the long haul. I'm not giving up on that miracle. Not yet. I'm taking a deep breath, trusting in medicine, believing in hope and continuing the fight. I'm not done crying for the night. And I am sure there will be tears in the future. Afterall, nothing is assured in this life. I just know that I have to keep putting one foot in front of the other. Do my part to feel good and be present. I can't let the darkness consume me, because then it has won. So bring on the curves, the pitfalls, and the bumps. I'm still standing and I'm wiping the tears away...because I got this!
Wednesday, April 16, 2014
The Journey Continues
Last week we got the news we had prayed, hoped, and begged for for months. We got our miracle, the cancer in my liver appeared to be gone, along with any other cancer in my body. I have a follow-up appointment with my doctor tomorrow (per my request) to go over the scan and to make a plan for the next three months. Although I appear to be cancer-free, (I say "appear to be" because anyone with cancer can tell you that we never believe that the cancer isn't lurking in a dark corner waiting to pounce!) that doesn't mean that things ease up and I am allowed some time to breathe. In fact, I feel like the battle is just beginning. Now I sit atop a ticking time bomb, because cancer, she likes to come back and come back with a vengeance.
Now, more than ever, I have to be vigilant about my health and getting myself back in shape and ready for whatever comes my way. I firmly believe that the cancer attacked me when it did because I was at my weakest. My baby was born with complications and then weeks later had to have surgery. I was unable to take care of myself physically and mentally. I was a wreck and cancer likes a wreck. It latched on to me as its prey and was determined to ruin me. Being at my weakest, that made the fight that much harder. I don't tend to realize how much I have suffered until afterward. I don't usually realize, in the moment, that I am in ruthless pain and undeniable exhaustion. I was taught a long time ago to push through and make it work. You can't do that with cancer and chemo. If you push through, you end up 10 steps backward, as I found out when I was forced to get six hours of hydration and when I was hospitalized for anemia. You can't mess around with your treatment. This is not the time to be a hero and not pay attention to yourself and your body. If I was tired, I had to sleep. If I was in pain, I had to tell someone. If there was blood, I couldn't ignore it. Bruises, fevers, bowel movements (yes, I went there) all had to be monitored. I'm not used to this. I had gave my body up to the chemo, my life was put into this treatment with the hope that it would make me able to do the things I was used to again someday. That I would be able to be the mother and spouse I needed to be.
Unless you have been through it, you don't know how debilitating the treatment is and how unrelenting. Chemo is cumulative, just when you think you have your body used to it, it adds on another layer. The nausea gets worse, the exhaustion never-ending, the pain unrelenting. And that is just the physical aspects. Emotionally and mentally, your brain is in overdrive. It's a constant battle to push the "what ifs" and the dark scenarios from your head. You look at yourself in the mirror and hate what you see. Remember, I had just had a baby too, so I was just beyond depressed looking at my body being deteriorated before my very eyes. You have to break down your body in order to rebuild it cancer-free. And while I had willingly entered into this treatment, it didn't mean that I was happy with all the changes. No more flat stomach, now there was bloating from steroids and chemo. No more hair, chemo took that too. Scars all over my legs from scratching due to my liver enzymes being all out of whack. No more pretty pedicures because you can't get those with chemo. My arms and legs look like linebacker's because the gym just wasn't an option for me. A fresh scar on the left side of my chest which reminds me every minute of every day that I have cancer.
Now that the chemo is over, some things are starting to turn around. My hair is growing back, but there is nothing attractive about a growing out buzz cut. I have no idea how to make it work. I'm back at the gym, having joined the YMCA's Livestrong program which has become my saving grace. I'm not one to ease back into my gym routine, and this program doesn't allow that. I am a part of a group of inspirational survivors of all abilities, learning how to get our bodies back, our minds back. We support each other, congratulate each other through the good, and hold each other in the bad. I don't think I have ever been a part of something I've been more proud of. I don't feel alone there. It gives me hope. And it allows me time to process what I have been through with people who aren't judging, who have similar fears, and get that our bodies and our minds are far from back to normal.
This process of "healing" is hard for most to understand. I have a husband who gets it without a doubt. He has been in my corner, not pushing, and encouraging me to take my time. You see, a lot of people think, you're cancer free, you're obviously back to normal. You got your wish, so get back to living! I wish it were that easy. I wish that I woke up completely refreshed, ready to take on the world. But, I'm not. First off, the chemo is still in my system. I'm still slightly anemic which makes you tired. My liver, although cancer-free, is now full of scar tissue. This means it is still enlarged, it isn't working at 100 percent, and I still get pain and discomfort at times. I still have to find out what the plan for my new "scarred" liver is. My muscles have atrophied from months of non-use. Working out is embarrassingly hard. My muscles in my neck are sore from just being in the car for more than a half-hour. You add weights, and cardio to the mix and I can feel like I got hit by a train. But I suck it up, because I want to be in this fight and I want to be better than ever.
In the midst of my chemo there were days when I could barely lift my head off the pillow. Being the mother of a young infant, this was heartbreaking and frustrating. I wanted nothing more than to enjoy my new baby's smiles, giggles, his expressions when he saw things for the first time. I hated that I needed help with this. That I couldn't do it myself. But I couldn't. There was no way I could juggle chemo, chemo's effects, and a newborn all by myself. Bill was going to have to work so we had some income coming in and for our insurance to stay in tact. We moved in with my parents to get the help we so desperately needed. My mom and dad were able to pick up my slack. And I'm not lying when I say that it felt like I was slacking. I can't tell you the number of times I cried out because I had such guilt for not being able to do the things a mother should do for their baby. I wasn't getting up at night with him. I wasn't getting up first-thing with Sam. I was relegated to my bed at certain times of the month. And when I was feeling like I had some sort of stamina, it was always short-lived. Do you know how heartwrenching it is to pull back when all your son wants to do is play with you? When you have no energy to even pick him up? Do you know what that does to your emotional state? Over and over people told me that I was doing the ultimate for my son by fighting the cancer so I could live for him. But it wasn't any consolation. I felt I was letting my son down.
Now that I am done with treatment and getting back on my feet, I try to spend as much time as possible with my son. And I try to make it count. My day consists of tickling him until he giggles relentlessly, reading him books and teaching him words, walking outside to show him the trees and the birds, taking him on swings so he can feel the breeze on his little round face, drying his tears when he falls down while learning to crawl, and rocking him gently as he sleeps in my arms. I finally feel like I am a mother again. That he looks to me for the love he needs and knows that I am able to provide it. That he feels safe with me again. I am getting there.
Every one of you has helped me get to this place. A place where I am learning to be a mom again and able to trust my own body again. I am able to push the limits a bit, put my toes in the water, and move forward. There is so much work to be done yet. The exhaustion lingers, the dark thoughts still lurk, and there are moments of despair. But I am bound and determined to get my life back. I have been given a second chance. Granted, the life I am to lead does not look like the life I had envisioned even a year ago, but it is still beautiful and I still want to live it in every sense of the word. I have more ahead. More scans, more surgery, and doctor appointments. I still need help. I'm still and always have been appreciative to all of you. I wouldn't be here, wouldn't have the positive outlook that got me through this, without all of your help. Whether it was a kind word, a donation, a card, a phone call, a text, a meal, a laugh, a hug, a ride, or putting us up for months while I got back on my feet, I thank you. Now it is time for me to reclaim my life, my role as a mom, and to be a wife. It's time to be me again. The journey continues, but now I know what it takes and that I can do it because of all of you. I know, as Aunt Holly said all those month's ago, that "we've got this!"
Now, more than ever, I have to be vigilant about my health and getting myself back in shape and ready for whatever comes my way. I firmly believe that the cancer attacked me when it did because I was at my weakest. My baby was born with complications and then weeks later had to have surgery. I was unable to take care of myself physically and mentally. I was a wreck and cancer likes a wreck. It latched on to me as its prey and was determined to ruin me. Being at my weakest, that made the fight that much harder. I don't tend to realize how much I have suffered until afterward. I don't usually realize, in the moment, that I am in ruthless pain and undeniable exhaustion. I was taught a long time ago to push through and make it work. You can't do that with cancer and chemo. If you push through, you end up 10 steps backward, as I found out when I was forced to get six hours of hydration and when I was hospitalized for anemia. You can't mess around with your treatment. This is not the time to be a hero and not pay attention to yourself and your body. If I was tired, I had to sleep. If I was in pain, I had to tell someone. If there was blood, I couldn't ignore it. Bruises, fevers, bowel movements (yes, I went there) all had to be monitored. I'm not used to this. I had gave my body up to the chemo, my life was put into this treatment with the hope that it would make me able to do the things I was used to again someday. That I would be able to be the mother and spouse I needed to be.
Unless you have been through it, you don't know how debilitating the treatment is and how unrelenting. Chemo is cumulative, just when you think you have your body used to it, it adds on another layer. The nausea gets worse, the exhaustion never-ending, the pain unrelenting. And that is just the physical aspects. Emotionally and mentally, your brain is in overdrive. It's a constant battle to push the "what ifs" and the dark scenarios from your head. You look at yourself in the mirror and hate what you see. Remember, I had just had a baby too, so I was just beyond depressed looking at my body being deteriorated before my very eyes. You have to break down your body in order to rebuild it cancer-free. And while I had willingly entered into this treatment, it didn't mean that I was happy with all the changes. No more flat stomach, now there was bloating from steroids and chemo. No more hair, chemo took that too. Scars all over my legs from scratching due to my liver enzymes being all out of whack. No more pretty pedicures because you can't get those with chemo. My arms and legs look like linebacker's because the gym just wasn't an option for me. A fresh scar on the left side of my chest which reminds me every minute of every day that I have cancer.
Now that the chemo is over, some things are starting to turn around. My hair is growing back, but there is nothing attractive about a growing out buzz cut. I have no idea how to make it work. I'm back at the gym, having joined the YMCA's Livestrong program which has become my saving grace. I'm not one to ease back into my gym routine, and this program doesn't allow that. I am a part of a group of inspirational survivors of all abilities, learning how to get our bodies back, our minds back. We support each other, congratulate each other through the good, and hold each other in the bad. I don't think I have ever been a part of something I've been more proud of. I don't feel alone there. It gives me hope. And it allows me time to process what I have been through with people who aren't judging, who have similar fears, and get that our bodies and our minds are far from back to normal.
This process of "healing" is hard for most to understand. I have a husband who gets it without a doubt. He has been in my corner, not pushing, and encouraging me to take my time. You see, a lot of people think, you're cancer free, you're obviously back to normal. You got your wish, so get back to living! I wish it were that easy. I wish that I woke up completely refreshed, ready to take on the world. But, I'm not. First off, the chemo is still in my system. I'm still slightly anemic which makes you tired. My liver, although cancer-free, is now full of scar tissue. This means it is still enlarged, it isn't working at 100 percent, and I still get pain and discomfort at times. I still have to find out what the plan for my new "scarred" liver is. My muscles have atrophied from months of non-use. Working out is embarrassingly hard. My muscles in my neck are sore from just being in the car for more than a half-hour. You add weights, and cardio to the mix and I can feel like I got hit by a train. But I suck it up, because I want to be in this fight and I want to be better than ever.
In the midst of my chemo there were days when I could barely lift my head off the pillow. Being the mother of a young infant, this was heartbreaking and frustrating. I wanted nothing more than to enjoy my new baby's smiles, giggles, his expressions when he saw things for the first time. I hated that I needed help with this. That I couldn't do it myself. But I couldn't. There was no way I could juggle chemo, chemo's effects, and a newborn all by myself. Bill was going to have to work so we had some income coming in and for our insurance to stay in tact. We moved in with my parents to get the help we so desperately needed. My mom and dad were able to pick up my slack. And I'm not lying when I say that it felt like I was slacking. I can't tell you the number of times I cried out because I had such guilt for not being able to do the things a mother should do for their baby. I wasn't getting up at night with him. I wasn't getting up first-thing with Sam. I was relegated to my bed at certain times of the month. And when I was feeling like I had some sort of stamina, it was always short-lived. Do you know how heartwrenching it is to pull back when all your son wants to do is play with you? When you have no energy to even pick him up? Do you know what that does to your emotional state? Over and over people told me that I was doing the ultimate for my son by fighting the cancer so I could live for him. But it wasn't any consolation. I felt I was letting my son down.
Now that I am done with treatment and getting back on my feet, I try to spend as much time as possible with my son. And I try to make it count. My day consists of tickling him until he giggles relentlessly, reading him books and teaching him words, walking outside to show him the trees and the birds, taking him on swings so he can feel the breeze on his little round face, drying his tears when he falls down while learning to crawl, and rocking him gently as he sleeps in my arms. I finally feel like I am a mother again. That he looks to me for the love he needs and knows that I am able to provide it. That he feels safe with me again. I am getting there.
Every one of you has helped me get to this place. A place where I am learning to be a mom again and able to trust my own body again. I am able to push the limits a bit, put my toes in the water, and move forward. There is so much work to be done yet. The exhaustion lingers, the dark thoughts still lurk, and there are moments of despair. But I am bound and determined to get my life back. I have been given a second chance. Granted, the life I am to lead does not look like the life I had envisioned even a year ago, but it is still beautiful and I still want to live it in every sense of the word. I have more ahead. More scans, more surgery, and doctor appointments. I still need help. I'm still and always have been appreciative to all of you. I wouldn't be here, wouldn't have the positive outlook that got me through this, without all of your help. Whether it was a kind word, a donation, a card, a phone call, a text, a meal, a laugh, a hug, a ride, or putting us up for months while I got back on my feet, I thank you. Now it is time for me to reclaim my life, my role as a mom, and to be a wife. It's time to be me again. The journey continues, but now I know what it takes and that I can do it because of all of you. I know, as Aunt Holly said all those month's ago, that "we've got this!"
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
Freedom and Remission
Today I woke up and looked out the window. The sun was shining....my friend Michelle was working her magic from above. I had a feeling it was going to be a good day. I had my PET scan scheduled for 9:15 a.m. and knew this was going to be the definitive line telling me where I was at in my fight. Was there cancer still in my liver? Or did it totally respond to the chemo? There was a lot of weight in this test, a lot was on the line. I couldn't dwell on it, I just had to put on the brave face and do the test. I would deal with whatever outcome happened. I knew I had the most tremendous support system ready to catch me if I fell. It was go time. Time to find out if all the fight I gave for the past four months had worked.
I gave the nurse my vein and watched as the radioactive dye was pushed into my body. Just another chemical to charge through my body in this journey. I chose to go alone to this test. It is a long one, and I didn't have a follow-up appointment with my doctor. I wanted to do this myself. See myself through and take cancer one on one.
For those of you that aren't familiar with a PET scan, it is somewhat complex. You are injected with radioactive dye (and told you can't love up your child for 24 hours because of it). Then you are put in a dark room, on a reclining chair for an hour while the dye metabolizes in your body. I learned my lesson from the last PET scan. I brought my music and headphones, got under a warm blanket and shut my eyes. I visualized a healthy liver. I said my prayers. I listened to my songs. I prayed. I repeated over and over again "I am healthy. I am cancer-free." I was determined to win this fight.
Finally, the technician came to get me. I was instructed to remove my necklaces and meet him in the room. I looked in the mirror as I took off my Pooh necklace with the quote about how strong and brave I was. This has been a part of me since the beginning of my fight. Then I took off my "You are my sunshine" necklace that I got from the Stella and Dot fundraiser my friends gave me. This is the song I sing to my Sammy every day. He smiles every time. As I took off the necklace I thought of Sam and his blue eyes. He is everything I am fighting for. "I am healthy" I repeated to myself. I had to be.
My body has been achy as of late. My back, my neck both have been bothering me tremendously. I convinced myself this was from becoming active again and riding in a car this weekend for 10 hours. But of course, in the back of my mind, I was worried about metastasis. I shook the thoughts from my head and laid on the board to go into the machine. The technician told me it would be about 17 minutes. He told me to close my eyes and let the machine do the work. I closed my eyes as I was entering the tube and took a deep breath. This was it. Body don't betray me now.
The 17 minutes weren't as long this time. Back in December when I had the first PET scan, it seemed like days that I was laying there. This time, it was almost like I meditated my way through it. When it was over, I put my necklaces back on and prayed for strength. I put my "Welcome Sunshine" hat back on and left Brittonfield, anxious about what I would hear from my doctor later in the day.
Hours dragged on, as I waited for the phone to ring. I couldn't hold my baby boy, who was ecstatic to see me when I came through the door and was refusing to sleep. It was as if he knew that Mommy was waiting on something big. He wanted to come to me, to hold me and let me know it would be ok, but the damn Cancer made that impossible....once again.
I arranged to have a massage to keep my mind occupied and to try and relax in some way. I arrived at the day spa and explained to the masseuse that if my phone rang, I had to take it. I was embarrassed that I was looking like a arrogant brat, but she understood. She worked on my back and my neck and believe me there were more knots than a knotty pine tree in my body. I was somewhat relieved that she felt the knots and could work them out....that they weren't tumors. Everytime my phone made a noise I tensed up and jumped off the table. After about 70 minutes, finally I heard the phone actually ringing. The masseuse handed me the phone and I said, "Wish me luck!" as she walked out of the room. The voice on the other line was my nurse, Amanda. I love Amanda. She's been there for me since the beginning of this journey, handing me tissues when I needed them, laughing at my inappropriate jokes, and patting me on the shoulder whenever I needed some reassurance. Her voice sounded upbeat. She started to tell me the results and I heard the words "There is no new disease." This made me sigh in relief. Then she got to the liver. She explained that the liver was not glowing. Not at all. In a PET scan, organs "glow" if they have cancer cells. Back in December my liver was glowing at a rating of 5. This scan showed no glow.....NO GLOWING! I laid there, shocked and in disbelief. I repeated the words to Amanda. "No glowing?" I couldn't believe it. My liver was clear. No cancer. NO CANCER ANYWHERE! I had beat it!!! My hard work, my positive attitude, the prayers, the love....it had all worked. I was cancer-free. I told Amanda to hug Dr. Cherny for me. I was ecstatic.
I hung up the phone and laid there marveling. Had I really done this? Had my doctor really done this for me? The masseuse came back in, I looked at her and said "I just beat stage IV cancer! I'm living! I did it!" All I could think of was telling my parents, my husband, my sisters, my aunts. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. I wanted to squeeze my baby boy....my reason for going on.
I finally got to my car and called up my husband. He answered and I could hear Sam squealing in the background. I asked him to get my parents. I yelled, "I'm in remission! I'm cancer-free!" Bill started crying, my mom was wailing. Sam...still squealing! I drove as fast as I could to get to them. Once home, my mom met me at the door with tears in her eyes and champagne glasses. Bill was holding Sam who kissed me and smiled in delight. Dad came downstairs and said, "Hi baby" then held me and raked back sobs.
I took in the moment. I felt the love. I heard the happiness. I smelled the delight. I relished in the moment. This was my moment. My life was given back to me. I know I didn't fight any harder than anyone else. I had seen cancer destroy lives. I had lost my friend in the past few days due to it. I had woken up this morning determined, and I had received the answer I had prayed for for months. I was cancer-free.
My fight is far from over. I know that this cancer is as aggressive as they come. There is a strong chance it will come back. I have been warned of this. But that doesn't mean I stop living and wait for it to come back. I do anything but. I can make plans now. I can survive and flourish. I have been given a second chance, and I have know doubt that my friend Michelle has a lot to do with it. As do the thousands of prayers that have been said for me, the novenas, the positive vibes, the happy energy sent my way. It has all been an integral part in my role as a "survivor." I am amazed by myself. I am amazed by all of you who have been there for me through the ups and downs of all of this. I will continue to fight, to stay positive, to get my life back. Tomorrow, Sam and I are going to the Livestrong program at the Y. I will meet with other survivors and fighters, I will share my wonderful news. We will all work together to regain our strength, get our lives back, be alive.
When it is all said and done, I will look into my baby boy's eyes and see everything I have been through. I will see the retching, the painful nights, the IVs, the sleepless nights....and it will all be worth it. I know now what life is about and how precious it is. I looked at Sam tonight while everyone was raising their glasses to toast my survival. I whispered to him, "I will be here to dance with you at your wedding." He smiled. I smiled. Thanks to you all, I got this!
I gave the nurse my vein and watched as the radioactive dye was pushed into my body. Just another chemical to charge through my body in this journey. I chose to go alone to this test. It is a long one, and I didn't have a follow-up appointment with my doctor. I wanted to do this myself. See myself through and take cancer one on one.
For those of you that aren't familiar with a PET scan, it is somewhat complex. You are injected with radioactive dye (and told you can't love up your child for 24 hours because of it). Then you are put in a dark room, on a reclining chair for an hour while the dye metabolizes in your body. I learned my lesson from the last PET scan. I brought my music and headphones, got under a warm blanket and shut my eyes. I visualized a healthy liver. I said my prayers. I listened to my songs. I prayed. I repeated over and over again "I am healthy. I am cancer-free." I was determined to win this fight.
Finally, the technician came to get me. I was instructed to remove my necklaces and meet him in the room. I looked in the mirror as I took off my Pooh necklace with the quote about how strong and brave I was. This has been a part of me since the beginning of my fight. Then I took off my "You are my sunshine" necklace that I got from the Stella and Dot fundraiser my friends gave me. This is the song I sing to my Sammy every day. He smiles every time. As I took off the necklace I thought of Sam and his blue eyes. He is everything I am fighting for. "I am healthy" I repeated to myself. I had to be.
My body has been achy as of late. My back, my neck both have been bothering me tremendously. I convinced myself this was from becoming active again and riding in a car this weekend for 10 hours. But of course, in the back of my mind, I was worried about metastasis. I shook the thoughts from my head and laid on the board to go into the machine. The technician told me it would be about 17 minutes. He told me to close my eyes and let the machine do the work. I closed my eyes as I was entering the tube and took a deep breath. This was it. Body don't betray me now.
The 17 minutes weren't as long this time. Back in December when I had the first PET scan, it seemed like days that I was laying there. This time, it was almost like I meditated my way through it. When it was over, I put my necklaces back on and prayed for strength. I put my "Welcome Sunshine" hat back on and left Brittonfield, anxious about what I would hear from my doctor later in the day.
Hours dragged on, as I waited for the phone to ring. I couldn't hold my baby boy, who was ecstatic to see me when I came through the door and was refusing to sleep. It was as if he knew that Mommy was waiting on something big. He wanted to come to me, to hold me and let me know it would be ok, but the damn Cancer made that impossible....once again.
I arranged to have a massage to keep my mind occupied and to try and relax in some way. I arrived at the day spa and explained to the masseuse that if my phone rang, I had to take it. I was embarrassed that I was looking like a arrogant brat, but she understood. She worked on my back and my neck and believe me there were more knots than a knotty pine tree in my body. I was somewhat relieved that she felt the knots and could work them out....that they weren't tumors. Everytime my phone made a noise I tensed up and jumped off the table. After about 70 minutes, finally I heard the phone actually ringing. The masseuse handed me the phone and I said, "Wish me luck!" as she walked out of the room. The voice on the other line was my nurse, Amanda. I love Amanda. She's been there for me since the beginning of this journey, handing me tissues when I needed them, laughing at my inappropriate jokes, and patting me on the shoulder whenever I needed some reassurance. Her voice sounded upbeat. She started to tell me the results and I heard the words "There is no new disease." This made me sigh in relief. Then she got to the liver. She explained that the liver was not glowing. Not at all. In a PET scan, organs "glow" if they have cancer cells. Back in December my liver was glowing at a rating of 5. This scan showed no glow.....NO GLOWING! I laid there, shocked and in disbelief. I repeated the words to Amanda. "No glowing?" I couldn't believe it. My liver was clear. No cancer. NO CANCER ANYWHERE! I had beat it!!! My hard work, my positive attitude, the prayers, the love....it had all worked. I was cancer-free. I told Amanda to hug Dr. Cherny for me. I was ecstatic.
I hung up the phone and laid there marveling. Had I really done this? Had my doctor really done this for me? The masseuse came back in, I looked at her and said "I just beat stage IV cancer! I'm living! I did it!" All I could think of was telling my parents, my husband, my sisters, my aunts. I wanted to scream at the top of my lungs. I wanted to squeeze my baby boy....my reason for going on.
I finally got to my car and called up my husband. He answered and I could hear Sam squealing in the background. I asked him to get my parents. I yelled, "I'm in remission! I'm cancer-free!" Bill started crying, my mom was wailing. Sam...still squealing! I drove as fast as I could to get to them. Once home, my mom met me at the door with tears in her eyes and champagne glasses. Bill was holding Sam who kissed me and smiled in delight. Dad came downstairs and said, "Hi baby" then held me and raked back sobs.
I took in the moment. I felt the love. I heard the happiness. I smelled the delight. I relished in the moment. This was my moment. My life was given back to me. I know I didn't fight any harder than anyone else. I had seen cancer destroy lives. I had lost my friend in the past few days due to it. I had woken up this morning determined, and I had received the answer I had prayed for for months. I was cancer-free.
My fight is far from over. I know that this cancer is as aggressive as they come. There is a strong chance it will come back. I have been warned of this. But that doesn't mean I stop living and wait for it to come back. I do anything but. I can make plans now. I can survive and flourish. I have been given a second chance, and I have know doubt that my friend Michelle has a lot to do with it. As do the thousands of prayers that have been said for me, the novenas, the positive vibes, the happy energy sent my way. It has all been an integral part in my role as a "survivor." I am amazed by myself. I am amazed by all of you who have been there for me through the ups and downs of all of this. I will continue to fight, to stay positive, to get my life back. Tomorrow, Sam and I are going to the Livestrong program at the Y. I will meet with other survivors and fighters, I will share my wonderful news. We will all work together to regain our strength, get our lives back, be alive.
When it is all said and done, I will look into my baby boy's eyes and see everything I have been through. I will see the retching, the painful nights, the IVs, the sleepless nights....and it will all be worth it. I know now what life is about and how precious it is. I looked at Sam tonight while everyone was raising their glasses to toast my survival. I whispered to him, "I will be here to dance with you at your wedding." He smiled. I smiled. Thanks to you all, I got this!
Monday, April 7, 2014
Blessings in Disguise
When I was first diagnosed, of course I was livid with God. How could he do this to me? Why was the rug being pulled out from under me yet again? How was I going to deal with this and why was I being punished? Hearing the word "cancer" connected with your name for the first time, conjures up all sorts of dark thoughts and images. Namely the Grim Reaper. (You were all thinking it, I just said it.) I was mad, I was distraught, I was numb....all of those things. I can't really describe it, other than to say that it was like having the wind knocked out of you. It hurt, but you couldn't do anything about it, you were frozen, and scared, waiting for time to start moving again, the air to come back to your lungs. For you to be normal again...however, being "normal" again, is not really an option anymore.
My first encounter with the cancer, there was no beauty to it. I couldn't see past the mortality of it, the doom and gloom of forever facing a disease. There was nothing to be thankful for, in my mind. I was facing a terminal illness at the prime of my life. How could there be any silver lining in that?
That first doctor appointment was a chaotic whirlwind of terms and treatments. I left with a week full of dates with oncologists, nurse practitioners, surgeons, and the chemo needle. I tried to keep my wits about me, tried to keep the positivity in check, put a brave face on, and put my best foot forward. I had family, old friends, and new co-workers rallying around me telling me I was going to win this battle, that they were in it for the long-haul with me.
I began writing this blog in late December, around the time of my second round of chemo. The whirlwind had died down, I understood what chemo was going to be like, and I had settled into my identity as a person with cancer. My hair was starting to fall out with a vengeance. And although I had such a tremendous support system, I couldn't help but feel alone at times and angry with God. People, with the best of intentions, just couldn't understand how I felt inside. Even if they had lost a loved one to this dreaded disease, it wasn't the same as living with it, seeing it in the mirror every day, waking up with a smile on your face, only to have that lump in your stomach return when you realized you were still stricken. So try as my sisters, my parents, and my husband might, they were never going to identify with me. It just wasn't possible.
I started the blog as my outlet. I always liked to write and had been told I actually had some ability, so I thought that maybe it would be cathartic for me in some way. I have always been one of those people that never truly gets over something unless I say it out loud or write it down. One thing I told myself, I was going to be honest. I would be the Kim Kardashian of cancer. This blog was going to be honest and raw, with bits of humor interspersed, because that is how I am as a person. No, I'm probably not going to tell you that you look fat in that outfit, but I will tell you if I think you are headed down the wrong path. That was my idea behind the blog, maybe I could share my story and help other young people with cancer to deal. Maybe I could make myself laugh at my journey, or show people the reality of cancer. Maybe it would help me rally more support or make some sense for caregivers. I don't know. All I know is that my blog turned into a blessing from the first stroke of the keys.
In the darkness of this diagnosis, I was able to find some rays of light, and some of the camaraderie I was looking for. People from all over started reaching out and responding to me, my words hit a chord in some, or opened the eyes of others. I wasn't asking for sympathy with my blog, or even a pat on the back. What I wanted was to see I wasn't alone. I got my answer late one night after writing a few entries.
Her name was Michelle, and she wrote me on Facebook. She said, "I hope you don't think I'm a stalker...." which made me laugh. I had never seen her name before, and continued to read her message wondering why on Earth this woman with long blond hair and a sunny smile was writing me at such an hour. Michelle, it turns out, was looking for a comrade too. At 48, she had been diagnosed in mid-December with stage IV cancer. She had been turned onto my blog by one of my high school friends, Jill, who worked with her. She wrote that she stayed up late one night reading my entries and marveling at all we had in common. Her journey had many of the same bumps and turns that mine had had. As I sat reading her message that night, I felt a strange connection to this woman with the long blond hair. We were both facing the fight of our lives and determined to win.
We wrote back and forth for while, not meeting each other due to our chemo schedules and then our bad days overlapped the other's good days. Finally, when I was at HemOc for a round of hydration because I didn't take care of myself, she was there for bloodwork. I was in a private room, quite out of it, with my sister Kathryn taking care of me. Michelle came to our room and opened the curtain as I was in and out of sleep. She smiled that smile, and in true Michelle form, did not want to bother me if I was sleeping and not feeling well. I, being groggy, wasn't the most delightful person in that moment, but I was glad to finally see her in the flesh. And true to form again, she was more concerned about me, than she was about herself and her own scans that she was waiting on.
So began a friendship with a person that "got" me. Finally, I had someone to talk to about my fears, my anxieties...my frustrations. Michelle was on the cancer train with me and was holding my hand through it. We both were going to Johns Hopkins, days apart, for second opinions. She had a grandson that was close in age to Sammy, so we both had something to fight for. Yes, she was older, but she was still young....too young to be facing this ordeal. We felt a kinship to one another and I was so glad to have her in my corner.
We were able to meet at Jill's house one Saturday and talk for a few hours. I got to know more about her family and what had brought her here to this moment. She talked about her daughter, how she had lived on the North Side for many years and had recently moved in with her daughter right up the street from my house! It was so strange how our lives were somewhat intertwined. I watched as she talked, she still had the long blond hair and still smiled as she spoke of things. I was wearing a scarf on my head, was feeling bloated from chemo, and not a stitch of makeup was on my face. But despite all this, I felt comfortable around her. Like she was an old friend. She was leaving to meet up with old friends for dinner that night and was so excited. It was the last time I would see Michelle outside of a hospital setting.
Unfortunately, Michelle's journey became riddled with obstacles. I would get "good" news about my cancer, and it seemed that she was running into one road block after another. We were able to see each other at Hopkins, where she had to be admitted. I was able to meet her sister and sit and talk for a while before my appointment. I cried after leaving her room that day because I saw the evil that cancer was capable of in that moment. She struggled to breath, and if I could have done anything, anything, to make her more comfortable, I would have done it in a heartbeat. It was unfair. We were both fighting just as hard as the other. In fact, what I admired about Michelle, is she had no fear. I wrote her once that I was having terrible anxiety about everything and that I was depressed. She wrote me back that she, despite having fluid on her lungs, and going through some pretty awful procedures, was still not anxious. She wasn't going to let fear stop her. She didn't have time or energy for it, and I saw in her that I shouldn't let fear overtake me either. It was just wasted energy.
In March, when my cousin had her baby, I was at the hospital where Michelle had been transferred. Despite my reservations, I went to see her on the oncology floor that day. It was hard being on that floor, where I had stayed twice before. It's like you can smell the cancer when you get off the elevator. The sterility of the hallways, the blankness of the rooms, seeing family members with worried looks on their faces....it makes for a tough walk, especially when you are carrying the big "C" on your back. But I pushed my own fears aside to see my friend. I wanted to see her face, hear her voice, make sure she was still fighting.
I went in her room, which was like an ice box (as she wanted it) and was met with a movie star. I say that because Michelle was wearing some big Jackie O. sunglasses when I walked in. It made us both laugh and she was wearing them because the new chemo she was on made her sensitive to the light from the wall of windows in her room. It was a private room, thank goodness, because I could tell you some stories about roomies up there that would make your head spin. She was thinner, but her breathing was better, which made me relieved. She was funny and bossier this time and had become more assertive since her time at Hopkins. We spoke about our little boys and how her treatment had changed. She seemed less vulnerable and things were looking up. Her chemo was definitely causing her some horrible side effects....but it was working. She had had some setbacks, but there was still hope in her voice. And as always, she was more concerned about me and how I was doing with my treatments. I blew her a kiss before I walked out the door, and left feeling like things were on track to get better. That we would be looking back on this in years to come and laughing at her movie star hospital stay.
This cancer diagnosis wasn't all dark clouds and scary thoughts. There have been blessings on my journey, and Michelle's friendship was one such blessing. She came into my life when I needed her, when I felt that no one in the world was feeling what I was feeling. Michelle reached out to me when I needed her most, and held my hand through the cancer labyrinth. Michelle did leave the hospital, for one day, and I was able to text her how happy I was for her. She sent me a heart back.
On Thursday night, I was sitting in Maryland on my sister's couch and could not sleep for the life of me. Finally at around 2:30 a.m., I laid down and was able to rest. At 7 a.m., Friday, my phone was ringing and it was Jill. My heart sunk to my feet. I knew what was awaiting me on the other end of the line. "Michelle passed early this morning." I hung up, and couldn't help feeling like I did that day of my diagnosis....there was no air, I could not think, the shock numbed me from head to toe. I waited for my lungs to fill with air again, for my ability to speak to return. I looked at my mom and said, "She's gone." I blinked back tears and forced myself not to cry. Michelle would NOT want me to cry. She would want me to hold my baby, enjoy my trip, and keep fighting the good fight. So I did what she wanted me to do. I went on with the trip, I spoke of her to my family, I dealt with it quietly in my own head.
The night before we left for Syracuse, I again laid awake...unable to sleep. I went onto Facebook, and looked up that first email she sent me. As I read it, tears began to stream down my face....by the end of reading all of our emails, I was sobbing into my pillow. Damn you, cancer! You ripped her away from her beautiful daughter, her doting husband, her loving sisters, and her precious grandchild. Why? WHY? How can one with so much hope and life left to live be taken so easily and so devastatingly? Where was the fairness in that? I couldn't answer my questions. No one can. Cancer hurts you and it hurts the ones you love. Yes, it brings you blessings in terms of second chances, living in the moment, and making new friends. But at the end of the day, cancer has an agenda...and it isn't a happy one. No one knows why some escape its grasp entirely, or break free of its clutches when all odds are against them. No one knows why it picks who it picks. Cancer is a beast that cannot be tamed no matter how bright your smile and how much hope you have. Knowing that though, doesn't make losing someone to cancer any easier.
Cancer gave me a friendship, however, that I will never forget. A woman whose compassion was unmatched, and whose bravery knew no bounds. I entered her calling hours with a brave face tonight, shaved head unveiled for all to see because she would have wanted me to show everyone and cancer that I am not giving up. Her death gives me more reason to fight, more drive to show cancer who's boss, and now I know I have her right by my side. I knew she was there today because I didn't shed any tears. I even wore waterproof mascara because I was sure the floodgates were going to open. But it was as if she was putting her hand on my shoulder and introducing me to her family and making me be strong.
Now I sit in the quiet of my house, and once again, tears are streaming down my face. I have a PET scan this week, and I'm scared. My body hurts, I've started a new treatment, I ended chemo, and I have to meet with surgeons about a hysterectomy. These are all things I would have shared with my friend, and no doubt, she would have sent me encouraging words and helped me through it no matter what the outcome. She would be so happy to know that Marshall and Sammy are going to have a play date at some point, and that Doreen is actually going to be working with Bill next year. She's not here to hold my hand anymore, but her memory will live on, you can be sure of that. When I go on Wednesday for my scan, I will feel her beside me. If the sun is shining, I know she will be smiling and wearing her sunglasses, and I will smile and whisper, "We got this."
My first encounter with the cancer, there was no beauty to it. I couldn't see past the mortality of it, the doom and gloom of forever facing a disease. There was nothing to be thankful for, in my mind. I was facing a terminal illness at the prime of my life. How could there be any silver lining in that?
That first doctor appointment was a chaotic whirlwind of terms and treatments. I left with a week full of dates with oncologists, nurse practitioners, surgeons, and the chemo needle. I tried to keep my wits about me, tried to keep the positivity in check, put a brave face on, and put my best foot forward. I had family, old friends, and new co-workers rallying around me telling me I was going to win this battle, that they were in it for the long-haul with me.
I began writing this blog in late December, around the time of my second round of chemo. The whirlwind had died down, I understood what chemo was going to be like, and I had settled into my identity as a person with cancer. My hair was starting to fall out with a vengeance. And although I had such a tremendous support system, I couldn't help but feel alone at times and angry with God. People, with the best of intentions, just couldn't understand how I felt inside. Even if they had lost a loved one to this dreaded disease, it wasn't the same as living with it, seeing it in the mirror every day, waking up with a smile on your face, only to have that lump in your stomach return when you realized you were still stricken. So try as my sisters, my parents, and my husband might, they were never going to identify with me. It just wasn't possible.
I started the blog as my outlet. I always liked to write and had been told I actually had some ability, so I thought that maybe it would be cathartic for me in some way. I have always been one of those people that never truly gets over something unless I say it out loud or write it down. One thing I told myself, I was going to be honest. I would be the Kim Kardashian of cancer. This blog was going to be honest and raw, with bits of humor interspersed, because that is how I am as a person. No, I'm probably not going to tell you that you look fat in that outfit, but I will tell you if I think you are headed down the wrong path. That was my idea behind the blog, maybe I could share my story and help other young people with cancer to deal. Maybe I could make myself laugh at my journey, or show people the reality of cancer. Maybe it would help me rally more support or make some sense for caregivers. I don't know. All I know is that my blog turned into a blessing from the first stroke of the keys.
In the darkness of this diagnosis, I was able to find some rays of light, and some of the camaraderie I was looking for. People from all over started reaching out and responding to me, my words hit a chord in some, or opened the eyes of others. I wasn't asking for sympathy with my blog, or even a pat on the back. What I wanted was to see I wasn't alone. I got my answer late one night after writing a few entries.
Her name was Michelle, and she wrote me on Facebook. She said, "I hope you don't think I'm a stalker...." which made me laugh. I had never seen her name before, and continued to read her message wondering why on Earth this woman with long blond hair and a sunny smile was writing me at such an hour. Michelle, it turns out, was looking for a comrade too. At 48, she had been diagnosed in mid-December with stage IV cancer. She had been turned onto my blog by one of my high school friends, Jill, who worked with her. She wrote that she stayed up late one night reading my entries and marveling at all we had in common. Her journey had many of the same bumps and turns that mine had had. As I sat reading her message that night, I felt a strange connection to this woman with the long blond hair. We were both facing the fight of our lives and determined to win.
We wrote back and forth for while, not meeting each other due to our chemo schedules and then our bad days overlapped the other's good days. Finally, when I was at HemOc for a round of hydration because I didn't take care of myself, she was there for bloodwork. I was in a private room, quite out of it, with my sister Kathryn taking care of me. Michelle came to our room and opened the curtain as I was in and out of sleep. She smiled that smile, and in true Michelle form, did not want to bother me if I was sleeping and not feeling well. I, being groggy, wasn't the most delightful person in that moment, but I was glad to finally see her in the flesh. And true to form again, she was more concerned about me, than she was about herself and her own scans that she was waiting on.
So began a friendship with a person that "got" me. Finally, I had someone to talk to about my fears, my anxieties...my frustrations. Michelle was on the cancer train with me and was holding my hand through it. We both were going to Johns Hopkins, days apart, for second opinions. She had a grandson that was close in age to Sammy, so we both had something to fight for. Yes, she was older, but she was still young....too young to be facing this ordeal. We felt a kinship to one another and I was so glad to have her in my corner.
We were able to meet at Jill's house one Saturday and talk for a few hours. I got to know more about her family and what had brought her here to this moment. She talked about her daughter, how she had lived on the North Side for many years and had recently moved in with her daughter right up the street from my house! It was so strange how our lives were somewhat intertwined. I watched as she talked, she still had the long blond hair and still smiled as she spoke of things. I was wearing a scarf on my head, was feeling bloated from chemo, and not a stitch of makeup was on my face. But despite all this, I felt comfortable around her. Like she was an old friend. She was leaving to meet up with old friends for dinner that night and was so excited. It was the last time I would see Michelle outside of a hospital setting.
Unfortunately, Michelle's journey became riddled with obstacles. I would get "good" news about my cancer, and it seemed that she was running into one road block after another. We were able to see each other at Hopkins, where she had to be admitted. I was able to meet her sister and sit and talk for a while before my appointment. I cried after leaving her room that day because I saw the evil that cancer was capable of in that moment. She struggled to breath, and if I could have done anything, anything, to make her more comfortable, I would have done it in a heartbeat. It was unfair. We were both fighting just as hard as the other. In fact, what I admired about Michelle, is she had no fear. I wrote her once that I was having terrible anxiety about everything and that I was depressed. She wrote me back that she, despite having fluid on her lungs, and going through some pretty awful procedures, was still not anxious. She wasn't going to let fear stop her. She didn't have time or energy for it, and I saw in her that I shouldn't let fear overtake me either. It was just wasted energy.
In March, when my cousin had her baby, I was at the hospital where Michelle had been transferred. Despite my reservations, I went to see her on the oncology floor that day. It was hard being on that floor, where I had stayed twice before. It's like you can smell the cancer when you get off the elevator. The sterility of the hallways, the blankness of the rooms, seeing family members with worried looks on their faces....it makes for a tough walk, especially when you are carrying the big "C" on your back. But I pushed my own fears aside to see my friend. I wanted to see her face, hear her voice, make sure she was still fighting.
I went in her room, which was like an ice box (as she wanted it) and was met with a movie star. I say that because Michelle was wearing some big Jackie O. sunglasses when I walked in. It made us both laugh and she was wearing them because the new chemo she was on made her sensitive to the light from the wall of windows in her room. It was a private room, thank goodness, because I could tell you some stories about roomies up there that would make your head spin. She was thinner, but her breathing was better, which made me relieved. She was funny and bossier this time and had become more assertive since her time at Hopkins. We spoke about our little boys and how her treatment had changed. She seemed less vulnerable and things were looking up. Her chemo was definitely causing her some horrible side effects....but it was working. She had had some setbacks, but there was still hope in her voice. And as always, she was more concerned about me and how I was doing with my treatments. I blew her a kiss before I walked out the door, and left feeling like things were on track to get better. That we would be looking back on this in years to come and laughing at her movie star hospital stay.
This cancer diagnosis wasn't all dark clouds and scary thoughts. There have been blessings on my journey, and Michelle's friendship was one such blessing. She came into my life when I needed her, when I felt that no one in the world was feeling what I was feeling. Michelle reached out to me when I needed her most, and held my hand through the cancer labyrinth. Michelle did leave the hospital, for one day, and I was able to text her how happy I was for her. She sent me a heart back.
On Thursday night, I was sitting in Maryland on my sister's couch and could not sleep for the life of me. Finally at around 2:30 a.m., I laid down and was able to rest. At 7 a.m., Friday, my phone was ringing and it was Jill. My heart sunk to my feet. I knew what was awaiting me on the other end of the line. "Michelle passed early this morning." I hung up, and couldn't help feeling like I did that day of my diagnosis....there was no air, I could not think, the shock numbed me from head to toe. I waited for my lungs to fill with air again, for my ability to speak to return. I looked at my mom and said, "She's gone." I blinked back tears and forced myself not to cry. Michelle would NOT want me to cry. She would want me to hold my baby, enjoy my trip, and keep fighting the good fight. So I did what she wanted me to do. I went on with the trip, I spoke of her to my family, I dealt with it quietly in my own head.
The night before we left for Syracuse, I again laid awake...unable to sleep. I went onto Facebook, and looked up that first email she sent me. As I read it, tears began to stream down my face....by the end of reading all of our emails, I was sobbing into my pillow. Damn you, cancer! You ripped her away from her beautiful daughter, her doting husband, her loving sisters, and her precious grandchild. Why? WHY? How can one with so much hope and life left to live be taken so easily and so devastatingly? Where was the fairness in that? I couldn't answer my questions. No one can. Cancer hurts you and it hurts the ones you love. Yes, it brings you blessings in terms of second chances, living in the moment, and making new friends. But at the end of the day, cancer has an agenda...and it isn't a happy one. No one knows why some escape its grasp entirely, or break free of its clutches when all odds are against them. No one knows why it picks who it picks. Cancer is a beast that cannot be tamed no matter how bright your smile and how much hope you have. Knowing that though, doesn't make losing someone to cancer any easier.
Cancer gave me a friendship, however, that I will never forget. A woman whose compassion was unmatched, and whose bravery knew no bounds. I entered her calling hours with a brave face tonight, shaved head unveiled for all to see because she would have wanted me to show everyone and cancer that I am not giving up. Her death gives me more reason to fight, more drive to show cancer who's boss, and now I know I have her right by my side. I knew she was there today because I didn't shed any tears. I even wore waterproof mascara because I was sure the floodgates were going to open. But it was as if she was putting her hand on my shoulder and introducing me to her family and making me be strong.
Now I sit in the quiet of my house, and once again, tears are streaming down my face. I have a PET scan this week, and I'm scared. My body hurts, I've started a new treatment, I ended chemo, and I have to meet with surgeons about a hysterectomy. These are all things I would have shared with my friend, and no doubt, she would have sent me encouraging words and helped me through it no matter what the outcome. She would be so happy to know that Marshall and Sammy are going to have a play date at some point, and that Doreen is actually going to be working with Bill next year. She's not here to hold my hand anymore, but her memory will live on, you can be sure of that. When I go on Wednesday for my scan, I will feel her beside me. If the sun is shining, I know she will be smiling and wearing her sunglasses, and I will smile and whisper, "We got this."
Sunday, March 30, 2014
April Fools Brings A New Journey
I have finally finished chemotherapy and I am on the precipice of finding out what the next direction in this journey will be. Has the cancer metastasized further or has the chemo done it's job and eradicated the cancer and rendered me cancer-free? Can I allow myself to hope for that? To pray for that miracle? I think I can, and I feel that it will be gone. Tuesday holds a lot weight for me and my family. We are all going through our days as if nothing has changed, but in the back of all of our minds April 1 is beckoning us. These scans are different from all of the rest because they are the game-changer.
The chemo that I was on is not sustainable any longer. It is an aggressive course of treatment that strips your body to its core, killing off everything in its path. The result is a body that is weak, fatigued, a shell of itself. I've gone through blood transfusions, been so low on platelets that I could have bled to death from a fall, been dehydrated and nearly fainted, and felt beaten and bruised from shots. Chemo has been a vicious cycle of bloating, exhaustion, pain, and fear. Where does the fear come from? The fear is from the not-knowing. Are you allowing them to intentionally poison you, only to have it not work? Are you weakening yourself only to have yourself become susceptible to other illnesses? If I were to continue with this chemo, we would start to defeat the purpose of it. We have come to an impasse. I have to have scans on April 1 and blood work to determine where we go from here.
I have given my body up to this treatment, in hopes that this will heal me, that I have a chance for a cure. I bravely walked into HemOc every three weeks, awaiting my hours of treatment, feeling that this was my way of knowing that I was fighting the good fight. After 6 rounds, I have learned so much about myself and my family and friends. Countless people have offered to take me to chemo, and for that I am thankful. But I only allowed a few close people to be there with me, for many reasons. Chemo is no walk in the park. It's hours long, there are needles involved, poison is hung, and I am surrounded by people who are just as vulnerable as me, if not worse off. Many people that I would have liked to have been there with me, were not allowed. Mainly my best friend, Katie, because she is pregnant. Can't have her around that stuff! But I always chose those that were going to make me laugh, if I knew I would be up for it. Or those that would simply sit there and let me sleep, if it was my second or third day. Mom always went with me on my last day. She gave me warm blankets, kept me hydrated, and let me sleep. Others, like Jimmy, Jimbo and Mary came on long days to make me laugh. Jimmy even said the last time that he had a story that would have to wait until my first bag was hung. And he got used to the needles, so the nurses tolerated him! Jimbo forgot his iPad once, which scared the crap out of him. Mary brought her fellow nurses candy canes and made me last day of chemo signs! Kathryn traveled up here several times to be here for me. It was like having a mini-mom with me. Warm blankets, lots of sleeping, and she kept me fed. Aunt Nancy and Aunt Holly were awesome. They brought me doughnuts, juice, and drove me through a blizzard to get me there. Elizabeth came and cracked me up once. And my husband was there most weeks to hold my hand. He surprised me on my last day with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. As Mary said, "you got yourself a keeper, Jod." and she is right. These 6 rounds have been about me, and my close friends and family have been there to make it more bearable, to try and do their part to make it better for me. Some of them put their own fears aside, to be there. For that I am eternally thankful.
I know when I told people back in November that I had Cancer it was a shock to most if not all of them. I called some, texted others, and shared it on my facebook page. Many family and friends were on my doorstep within minutes. Some hung up the phone in a daze, unable to comprehend what I had said. Others never showed, never called or fell of the face of the earth. I can only chalk this up to their own fears. Hearing that one of your good friends, that you've known for so much of your life, who has shared both ups and downs with you, has a terminal illness has got to be scary. I think, or rather I know, that my diagnosis rocked everyone's world. I was young, very much alive, and just became a new mom. Life doesn't go in that order. You don't get everything you want, only to have it swiped cruelly away. But I am proof, that yes, yes, life can throw you a curveball.
I'm not harboring anger toward anyone, that is such a fruitless way to be especially when I am dealing with this. If anything, I am admiring those who have stepped up to the plate, have taken the opportunity to put their fears and lives on the backburner, to be there for me to unselfishly take the time out their days to simply send me a text or a Facebook post, to let me know they are thinking of me. Others are pulling out all the stops and planning an amazing benefit for us, that I can't even begin to comprehend. People are putting all their extra time and energy into this, to make sure my family is comfortable and can focus on the fight ahead. How do you thank people for that? These people have been my army, the people that have literally held me up, made me realize each and every day that I have so much to fight for, and haven't allowed me to give up because they can't envision a world without me in it.
Did everyone come around all at once? No. Some needed to come to terms with what I was facing, to have their own cry about me, to grasp what it was that was happening, before they could join my team. Others have had to have people knock some sense into them. To be told the gravity of the situation and to get their heads out of their asses, for lack of a better term. One thing is for sure, I don't have the time or energy to coax people out of their fears. One of my aunts told me, that this is a time that is all about me. I have to be selfish in this moment, take care of me and do all I can to survive, focus on a healthy me and if that means losing touch with others who can't seem to get it, than so be it.
Does it make me sad to see some that either just don't get it, or can't get out of their own way? Yes. I miss them. I would have liked to see their faces during this battle, heard their voices....known that they cared. But I can't force anyone out of their comfort zone. I don't know how it feels to see your family or good friend facing death in the face at such a young age. Does it make you ache inside every morning when it hits you? Does it make you cry at random moments when a memory flashes before your eyes? Does it make you sick to your stomach, and want to throw up at the thought of what they are going through? I think it does. I think it is very similar to how I feel day in and day out. Real family, real friends their connection to you allows them to feel your pain and know your plight. They don't let petty arguments, silly feuds and stubbornness get the best of them. They reach out, they don't ignore you, they make peace. Whether that be coming to your house after not seeing you in over a year (at other people's coaxing) or simply a phone call, text or email saying "How are you doing?" That's what real friendship and family is about.
I'd like to think that with cancer, the gloves came off. Bygones became bygones. Forgiveness and love was more important than egos and fears. For the most part, that has been the case. However, there are some that still don't get it, and never will. At this point in my journey, I have no regrets. Everyone I want to have in my corner is there. The ones that count, who wish they could take this all away, they have reached out, taken my hand either virtually or in reality, and told me what my diagnosis has meant to them.
My cancer has made some people grow up. It has made them bury hatchets, open doors they never opened, brought old friends back into my life. But it hasn't mended every fence, and that is ok. If you want what's best for me and for my family, you will be here. Negativity is not allowed in this house. Those that I feel I owe an apology to, have gotten it. I've come to a point in this journey where I am done worrying and being the people-pleaser. I'm taking my aunt's advice, and making it all about me.
My sister and husband both told me this weekend that they wished they had the kind of friends I have. They said that they don't know that anyone in their lives would step up to the plate as my friends have. I've always known I was blessed with some of the best of friends. Unfortunately they have had the opportunity to show me how much they love me. I wish it didn't take cancer to show me that.
I would be remiss not to mention my cousins in this moment. There is a saying that your cousins are the first friends you make, and that couldn't be more true for me. Pauly, Tony, Adam, Missy, JB and Jill were my first friends and have remained my most loyal of friends. Have our lives always traveled the same path and have we spent tons of time together in our adult lives? No, we each have our own things going on. However, this diagnosis hit them all hard, and I can tell. Especially my cousins Tony and Paul. We have been a part of eachother's lives since the moment we were born. Every Sunday we were together, we went to school together, and spent summers swimming and growing up together. Now, I get text messages from them, sometimes in my weakest moments, and it brings a smile to my face. I can't explain it, but every interaction with them makes me think of our youth, how far we have come, and how much we mean to eachother. We were our first friends. And one of us is suffering, so we rally. Our grandma would be proud of us, for being there for one another. We are the family she wanted us to be.
It is late, and I am restless thinking of April 1. I hope my body does not "trick me" this April Fools Day. My husband and I will hold our breath that day, our hearts will pound in our chest as we await the doctor and his news. When he speaks, I know my ears will burn, my palms will sweat, and I will clench my teeth in anticipation. All the while I will be picturing my baby boy in my head, and trying to keep the focus on him and hear the positive in whatever is said. I know no matter what, I will not give up because I have so many friends and family who believe in me.
I feel there are good things on the horizon. I envision a future that is bright. I see myself holding Sam's hand for a long time to come. I believe that "We got this!"
The chemo that I was on is not sustainable any longer. It is an aggressive course of treatment that strips your body to its core, killing off everything in its path. The result is a body that is weak, fatigued, a shell of itself. I've gone through blood transfusions, been so low on platelets that I could have bled to death from a fall, been dehydrated and nearly fainted, and felt beaten and bruised from shots. Chemo has been a vicious cycle of bloating, exhaustion, pain, and fear. Where does the fear come from? The fear is from the not-knowing. Are you allowing them to intentionally poison you, only to have it not work? Are you weakening yourself only to have yourself become susceptible to other illnesses? If I were to continue with this chemo, we would start to defeat the purpose of it. We have come to an impasse. I have to have scans on April 1 and blood work to determine where we go from here.
I have given my body up to this treatment, in hopes that this will heal me, that I have a chance for a cure. I bravely walked into HemOc every three weeks, awaiting my hours of treatment, feeling that this was my way of knowing that I was fighting the good fight. After 6 rounds, I have learned so much about myself and my family and friends. Countless people have offered to take me to chemo, and for that I am thankful. But I only allowed a few close people to be there with me, for many reasons. Chemo is no walk in the park. It's hours long, there are needles involved, poison is hung, and I am surrounded by people who are just as vulnerable as me, if not worse off. Many people that I would have liked to have been there with me, were not allowed. Mainly my best friend, Katie, because she is pregnant. Can't have her around that stuff! But I always chose those that were going to make me laugh, if I knew I would be up for it. Or those that would simply sit there and let me sleep, if it was my second or third day. Mom always went with me on my last day. She gave me warm blankets, kept me hydrated, and let me sleep. Others, like Jimmy, Jimbo and Mary came on long days to make me laugh. Jimmy even said the last time that he had a story that would have to wait until my first bag was hung. And he got used to the needles, so the nurses tolerated him! Jimbo forgot his iPad once, which scared the crap out of him. Mary brought her fellow nurses candy canes and made me last day of chemo signs! Kathryn traveled up here several times to be here for me. It was like having a mini-mom with me. Warm blankets, lots of sleeping, and she kept me fed. Aunt Nancy and Aunt Holly were awesome. They brought me doughnuts, juice, and drove me through a blizzard to get me there. Elizabeth came and cracked me up once. And my husband was there most weeks to hold my hand. He surprised me on my last day with a beautiful bouquet of flowers. As Mary said, "you got yourself a keeper, Jod." and she is right. These 6 rounds have been about me, and my close friends and family have been there to make it more bearable, to try and do their part to make it better for me. Some of them put their own fears aside, to be there. For that I am eternally thankful.
I know when I told people back in November that I had Cancer it was a shock to most if not all of them. I called some, texted others, and shared it on my facebook page. Many family and friends were on my doorstep within minutes. Some hung up the phone in a daze, unable to comprehend what I had said. Others never showed, never called or fell of the face of the earth. I can only chalk this up to their own fears. Hearing that one of your good friends, that you've known for so much of your life, who has shared both ups and downs with you, has a terminal illness has got to be scary. I think, or rather I know, that my diagnosis rocked everyone's world. I was young, very much alive, and just became a new mom. Life doesn't go in that order. You don't get everything you want, only to have it swiped cruelly away. But I am proof, that yes, yes, life can throw you a curveball.
I'm not harboring anger toward anyone, that is such a fruitless way to be especially when I am dealing with this. If anything, I am admiring those who have stepped up to the plate, have taken the opportunity to put their fears and lives on the backburner, to be there for me to unselfishly take the time out their days to simply send me a text or a Facebook post, to let me know they are thinking of me. Others are pulling out all the stops and planning an amazing benefit for us, that I can't even begin to comprehend. People are putting all their extra time and energy into this, to make sure my family is comfortable and can focus on the fight ahead. How do you thank people for that? These people have been my army, the people that have literally held me up, made me realize each and every day that I have so much to fight for, and haven't allowed me to give up because they can't envision a world without me in it.
Did everyone come around all at once? No. Some needed to come to terms with what I was facing, to have their own cry about me, to grasp what it was that was happening, before they could join my team. Others have had to have people knock some sense into them. To be told the gravity of the situation and to get their heads out of their asses, for lack of a better term. One thing is for sure, I don't have the time or energy to coax people out of their fears. One of my aunts told me, that this is a time that is all about me. I have to be selfish in this moment, take care of me and do all I can to survive, focus on a healthy me and if that means losing touch with others who can't seem to get it, than so be it.
Does it make me sad to see some that either just don't get it, or can't get out of their own way? Yes. I miss them. I would have liked to see their faces during this battle, heard their voices....known that they cared. But I can't force anyone out of their comfort zone. I don't know how it feels to see your family or good friend facing death in the face at such a young age. Does it make you ache inside every morning when it hits you? Does it make you cry at random moments when a memory flashes before your eyes? Does it make you sick to your stomach, and want to throw up at the thought of what they are going through? I think it does. I think it is very similar to how I feel day in and day out. Real family, real friends their connection to you allows them to feel your pain and know your plight. They don't let petty arguments, silly feuds and stubbornness get the best of them. They reach out, they don't ignore you, they make peace. Whether that be coming to your house after not seeing you in over a year (at other people's coaxing) or simply a phone call, text or email saying "How are you doing?" That's what real friendship and family is about.
I'd like to think that with cancer, the gloves came off. Bygones became bygones. Forgiveness and love was more important than egos and fears. For the most part, that has been the case. However, there are some that still don't get it, and never will. At this point in my journey, I have no regrets. Everyone I want to have in my corner is there. The ones that count, who wish they could take this all away, they have reached out, taken my hand either virtually or in reality, and told me what my diagnosis has meant to them.
My cancer has made some people grow up. It has made them bury hatchets, open doors they never opened, brought old friends back into my life. But it hasn't mended every fence, and that is ok. If you want what's best for me and for my family, you will be here. Negativity is not allowed in this house. Those that I feel I owe an apology to, have gotten it. I've come to a point in this journey where I am done worrying and being the people-pleaser. I'm taking my aunt's advice, and making it all about me.
My sister and husband both told me this weekend that they wished they had the kind of friends I have. They said that they don't know that anyone in their lives would step up to the plate as my friends have. I've always known I was blessed with some of the best of friends. Unfortunately they have had the opportunity to show me how much they love me. I wish it didn't take cancer to show me that.
I would be remiss not to mention my cousins in this moment. There is a saying that your cousins are the first friends you make, and that couldn't be more true for me. Pauly, Tony, Adam, Missy, JB and Jill were my first friends and have remained my most loyal of friends. Have our lives always traveled the same path and have we spent tons of time together in our adult lives? No, we each have our own things going on. However, this diagnosis hit them all hard, and I can tell. Especially my cousins Tony and Paul. We have been a part of eachother's lives since the moment we were born. Every Sunday we were together, we went to school together, and spent summers swimming and growing up together. Now, I get text messages from them, sometimes in my weakest moments, and it brings a smile to my face. I can't explain it, but every interaction with them makes me think of our youth, how far we have come, and how much we mean to eachother. We were our first friends. And one of us is suffering, so we rally. Our grandma would be proud of us, for being there for one another. We are the family she wanted us to be.
It is late, and I am restless thinking of April 1. I hope my body does not "trick me" this April Fools Day. My husband and I will hold our breath that day, our hearts will pound in our chest as we await the doctor and his news. When he speaks, I know my ears will burn, my palms will sweat, and I will clench my teeth in anticipation. All the while I will be picturing my baby boy in my head, and trying to keep the focus on him and hear the positive in whatever is said. I know no matter what, I will not give up because I have so many friends and family who believe in me.
I feel there are good things on the horizon. I envision a future that is bright. I see myself holding Sam's hand for a long time to come. I believe that "We got this!"
Thursday, March 20, 2014
Pity Me No More, Positivity
I've been struggling with balance this week. I'm feeling tugged in many directions. On the one side, I feel good, better than I have. You can't feel my liver anymore, I have my humor back, and want to tackle new things. Bill and I went to the gym, something I haven't done in over a year. Yes, I was one of those sloppy pregnant ladies who enjoyed indulgence and little activity. After the baby came, the whirlwind of sickness took over our house and it's taken me months to seem back to normal. I want my body back or at least some semblance of it.
At the gym, Bill warned me not to overdo it. I assured mom and dad, I wouldn't overdo it. (We all know, I would overdo it). Being back on the machine Mary Suehs and I affectionately call The Monster, I was determined to get the healthy me back. I was wearing a do-rag as not to scare the other patrons, my staple yoga pants, and a new gym shirt (have to have a new shirt to get you through the door ladies). I climbed on the machine and slowly rocked my way into some exercise. I let my music just flow and take me into a zone, trying to remember what it was like to be healthy and in-tune with your body. The first five minutes weren't that bad, but I was determined to do 30 minutes. 30 minutes would make me feel like I accomplished something the BC Jodie could do. I wanted desperately to be her again, in charge and in control. Probably wasn't my brightest idea.
By the time Bill joined me next to my machine, I had 3 minutes left....and they were the longest three minutes of my life! Longer than that last .2 miles of a marathon. My body was quickly assuring me that we weren't ready for this, that this wasn't a matter of adding a little oil to the Tin Man and cranking away. I have had months of poison cycling through my body. My blood cells have been ravaged, my muscles deteriorating. My hips have been going out of joint at times due to lack of exertion. Who had I become? There was a time when I could do 2 hours on The Monster! And here I was heavily panting, my face tomato red, and feet aching. I felt light-headed and defeated when I got off the machine. I sat in the locker room and removed my do-rag, letting my prickly, white hair breathe again. I changed my clothes and into my HOA of CNY long-sleeve. All reminders of what I was dealing with unlike most people in that gym. I was conquering cancer and getting my life back. I was showing cancer that I wasn't going down without a fight.
I held my head high as I left, loving that I had done this. I had made my first step toward recovery. Full of determination to become a fighter on this last leg of my cancer journey. It was short lived. Your cancer body is nothing like your healthy body. It takes patience and care to not overdo so that you don't end up paying for it later. I woke up Monday morning with aching feet and my neck and back sore as could be. I know I am older too, and I've had a baby, so things are not going to snap back into place, but it was somewhat of a shock to me that I was in so much pain....from an elliptical. The fatigue was the worst. I could have stayed in bed all day....in fact I think I did stay in bed all day. And it wasn't just a one day recovery, it rolled into the next day too. This led to me becoming an emotional mess. I was down, I was tired, I was sick of being sick.
Cancer, you see, has a way of affecting everything in your life...good and bad. As my husband said, "You can't just have a neck ache." And he's right, any bruise, pain, blood, stomach ache, nausea, headache, fever....you name it, your mind races. Every night I lay in bed and feel my liver. Is it different from yesterday? Different from November? Or is it worse? Was this ridge there before? Should I have drank more green drinks, should I have more water, did I eat something that wrecked all my progress? Your mind plays through so many scenarios in those dark hours alone and quiet. I enjoy the peace of being able to think my thoughts on my own, for not seemingly bothering anyone else with my "pity party." But I often start thinking of what cancer has taken from me, but also from my loved ones. I'm unable to lead at this point, I need help more than I ever have. They can't depend on me as they have in the past. I can't be up with Sam all night long, or else I am in bed all the next day. I can't work because my energy is all being put toward this fight, and so I am not a breadwinner anymore. My husband, bless his heart, still loves all of me, and therefore wants to be intimate with me....and cancer has taken that from me. The worst was the other night when I did attempt to show my husband affection, only to break down in tears afterward, sobbing, because we will never make a baby again. Cancer, you took that from me. I know that I am blessed with Sam, but to have that choice, that decision ripped away from you, makes me angry and it shows you just how unfair this disease can be.
I found myself up and begging God that if I can't have any more babies, please let me be the mother to Sam that he needs. Please don't rip me away from him. There is so much I have to teach him, so much I want to love him through, so much I want to learn from him. I know you aren't supposed to beg or barter with God, but when your emotions take over, it's hard not to.
In one of these emotionally charged moments, I took to the Internet to search a girl I had seen on Say Yes to the Dress a few years ago. Her story was calling out to me that night. I didn't know why, but I had to find her. Being the sleuth that I am, I was reading her blog in no time. She was named Margo, and had been battling cervical cancer when she was on the show, picking out her wedding dress. She was a sweet, bubbly girl, at only 24 who was looking forward to finding a dress with her bald head and all and marrying her best friend. She was so vibrant and young, I remember thinking. To my shock, and to many others, the show ended with her passing a month after her wedding.
Now in this place that I am in, I wanted to revisit her story, see how she thought, read her blog and for what reason? I don't know. I just felt compelled. I mean, I am writing a blog, and I wanted to see if we were the same...if we were on similar journeys.
I found her blog and started from the end and worked backwards. She was very sick at the end. Her leg was swollen, she had had two surgeries, radiation, and finished chemo. I got stuck there. I'm finishing chemo this week. She was preparing for her scans, I am preparing for my scans. We both were playing the waiting game. I can't explain it to you unless you live through it. You can be in a place of joy and laughter and then WHAM! It slams you in the heart that a few hours will determine if you take the light road or the dark road. Will the cancer metastasize? Are you having more aches and pains? Is that a regular cough or are your lungs in danger? Do I feel something in my breast? All these questions race through your head as you walk a tightrope trying not to lose your mind and remain catatonic in your room. You will not let Cancer take everything, you MUST live in these weeks leading up to scans. You must breathe. You must love the tiny moments, no matter how hard it is to push the thoughts from your head. You have to remain positive.
Believe me positivity does not come easily to me. I have never lived in the moment and let things just be spontaneous. Anxiety sits on my back and pushes every one of my buttons. It has since I was a little girl. I've talked about the ulcers, the sleepless nights, the worries about my body, my face, my career, my loved ones. Now add your own life to that. It's enough to make you even more sick. So what do you do? Do you let the anxiety pile on with the Cancer and make you into a hermit? Or do you put it in a compartment of your mind and soldier on? The only way you can turn the anxiety off is through positivity. And I'm not talking about the "Aw shucks, Jodie, hang in there, you can do this." I mean the positivity that comes from inside yourself, the little positive moments that make you smile in a day, even in the darkest of moments, so that you can give this fight your all. If you let the negativity in, it's a slippery slope to giving up. And believe me, there are days when I want to give up. Not because of the pain, the chemo, the fatigue....but because of the loss of the old Jodie. I want to be her again, and I never really can be. I've been branded a member of the Cancer club at this point, and I can't go back. This diagnosis has shaped me, made me stronger, made me have a clearer sense of purpose, but robbed me of the carefree delight I had in having a beer, and laughing until my sides hurt at just ridiculousness. There is now a seriousness to me, the lightness is gone. And I don't know if it will ever come back.
That lightness can only come back if I let the positivity stay. If I pocket all the smiles of my baby, the laughter when he's tickled, the feeling of my husband's hand clasped around mine at night, the long hug from my Dad when I am leaving for chemo...letting me know he's there, my mom's hand wiping away my tears when I just breakdown, the times when my sisters call just to tell me they love me. I put that positivity in my back pocket and when the pity party starts, I open that pocket up and let those memories, that love flow. It makes me feel less alone, less scared of what is to come. Slowly but surely, the darkness drifts away, and I find myself ready to fight. Not because I am this all powerful, super human. I am anything but. I am scared, and mourning the life I had BC. But I have to force myself to lose the anxiety and wonder, allow myself to wonder, of a bright future. I have to think of this as a new beginning. It will be rewritten very differently from the version my 10-year-old self had (thank god in many ways for that!), however, it is far from over. My hair will be shorter, my body scarred in many ways, there may be more chemo in the future, I will have hot flashes from the medication, and other twists and turns. However, I will also ALWAYS have a reason to fight, a reason to have faith, a reason to believe. God hasn't given me any other reason to not believe at this point. I have been given the gift of redefining who I am and why I am on this earth. I will not let the negativity in and I will not give up. I can't. I'm not done yet. I am a force to be reckoned with Cancer, and I am just getting started. Don't worry team, I've got this!
At the gym, Bill warned me not to overdo it. I assured mom and dad, I wouldn't overdo it. (We all know, I would overdo it). Being back on the machine Mary Suehs and I affectionately call The Monster, I was determined to get the healthy me back. I was wearing a do-rag as not to scare the other patrons, my staple yoga pants, and a new gym shirt (have to have a new shirt to get you through the door ladies). I climbed on the machine and slowly rocked my way into some exercise. I let my music just flow and take me into a zone, trying to remember what it was like to be healthy and in-tune with your body. The first five minutes weren't that bad, but I was determined to do 30 minutes. 30 minutes would make me feel like I accomplished something the BC Jodie could do. I wanted desperately to be her again, in charge and in control. Probably wasn't my brightest idea.
By the time Bill joined me next to my machine, I had 3 minutes left....and they were the longest three minutes of my life! Longer than that last .2 miles of a marathon. My body was quickly assuring me that we weren't ready for this, that this wasn't a matter of adding a little oil to the Tin Man and cranking away. I have had months of poison cycling through my body. My blood cells have been ravaged, my muscles deteriorating. My hips have been going out of joint at times due to lack of exertion. Who had I become? There was a time when I could do 2 hours on The Monster! And here I was heavily panting, my face tomato red, and feet aching. I felt light-headed and defeated when I got off the machine. I sat in the locker room and removed my do-rag, letting my prickly, white hair breathe again. I changed my clothes and into my HOA of CNY long-sleeve. All reminders of what I was dealing with unlike most people in that gym. I was conquering cancer and getting my life back. I was showing cancer that I wasn't going down without a fight.
I held my head high as I left, loving that I had done this. I had made my first step toward recovery. Full of determination to become a fighter on this last leg of my cancer journey. It was short lived. Your cancer body is nothing like your healthy body. It takes patience and care to not overdo so that you don't end up paying for it later. I woke up Monday morning with aching feet and my neck and back sore as could be. I know I am older too, and I've had a baby, so things are not going to snap back into place, but it was somewhat of a shock to me that I was in so much pain....from an elliptical. The fatigue was the worst. I could have stayed in bed all day....in fact I think I did stay in bed all day. And it wasn't just a one day recovery, it rolled into the next day too. This led to me becoming an emotional mess. I was down, I was tired, I was sick of being sick.
Cancer, you see, has a way of affecting everything in your life...good and bad. As my husband said, "You can't just have a neck ache." And he's right, any bruise, pain, blood, stomach ache, nausea, headache, fever....you name it, your mind races. Every night I lay in bed and feel my liver. Is it different from yesterday? Different from November? Or is it worse? Was this ridge there before? Should I have drank more green drinks, should I have more water, did I eat something that wrecked all my progress? Your mind plays through so many scenarios in those dark hours alone and quiet. I enjoy the peace of being able to think my thoughts on my own, for not seemingly bothering anyone else with my "pity party." But I often start thinking of what cancer has taken from me, but also from my loved ones. I'm unable to lead at this point, I need help more than I ever have. They can't depend on me as they have in the past. I can't be up with Sam all night long, or else I am in bed all the next day. I can't work because my energy is all being put toward this fight, and so I am not a breadwinner anymore. My husband, bless his heart, still loves all of me, and therefore wants to be intimate with me....and cancer has taken that from me. The worst was the other night when I did attempt to show my husband affection, only to break down in tears afterward, sobbing, because we will never make a baby again. Cancer, you took that from me. I know that I am blessed with Sam, but to have that choice, that decision ripped away from you, makes me angry and it shows you just how unfair this disease can be.
I found myself up and begging God that if I can't have any more babies, please let me be the mother to Sam that he needs. Please don't rip me away from him. There is so much I have to teach him, so much I want to love him through, so much I want to learn from him. I know you aren't supposed to beg or barter with God, but when your emotions take over, it's hard not to.
In one of these emotionally charged moments, I took to the Internet to search a girl I had seen on Say Yes to the Dress a few years ago. Her story was calling out to me that night. I didn't know why, but I had to find her. Being the sleuth that I am, I was reading her blog in no time. She was named Margo, and had been battling cervical cancer when she was on the show, picking out her wedding dress. She was a sweet, bubbly girl, at only 24 who was looking forward to finding a dress with her bald head and all and marrying her best friend. She was so vibrant and young, I remember thinking. To my shock, and to many others, the show ended with her passing a month after her wedding.
Now in this place that I am in, I wanted to revisit her story, see how she thought, read her blog and for what reason? I don't know. I just felt compelled. I mean, I am writing a blog, and I wanted to see if we were the same...if we were on similar journeys.
I found her blog and started from the end and worked backwards. She was very sick at the end. Her leg was swollen, she had had two surgeries, radiation, and finished chemo. I got stuck there. I'm finishing chemo this week. She was preparing for her scans, I am preparing for my scans. We both were playing the waiting game. I can't explain it to you unless you live through it. You can be in a place of joy and laughter and then WHAM! It slams you in the heart that a few hours will determine if you take the light road or the dark road. Will the cancer metastasize? Are you having more aches and pains? Is that a regular cough or are your lungs in danger? Do I feel something in my breast? All these questions race through your head as you walk a tightrope trying not to lose your mind and remain catatonic in your room. You will not let Cancer take everything, you MUST live in these weeks leading up to scans. You must breathe. You must love the tiny moments, no matter how hard it is to push the thoughts from your head. You have to remain positive.
Believe me positivity does not come easily to me. I have never lived in the moment and let things just be spontaneous. Anxiety sits on my back and pushes every one of my buttons. It has since I was a little girl. I've talked about the ulcers, the sleepless nights, the worries about my body, my face, my career, my loved ones. Now add your own life to that. It's enough to make you even more sick. So what do you do? Do you let the anxiety pile on with the Cancer and make you into a hermit? Or do you put it in a compartment of your mind and soldier on? The only way you can turn the anxiety off is through positivity. And I'm not talking about the "Aw shucks, Jodie, hang in there, you can do this." I mean the positivity that comes from inside yourself, the little positive moments that make you smile in a day, even in the darkest of moments, so that you can give this fight your all. If you let the negativity in, it's a slippery slope to giving up. And believe me, there are days when I want to give up. Not because of the pain, the chemo, the fatigue....but because of the loss of the old Jodie. I want to be her again, and I never really can be. I've been branded a member of the Cancer club at this point, and I can't go back. This diagnosis has shaped me, made me stronger, made me have a clearer sense of purpose, but robbed me of the carefree delight I had in having a beer, and laughing until my sides hurt at just ridiculousness. There is now a seriousness to me, the lightness is gone. And I don't know if it will ever come back.
That lightness can only come back if I let the positivity stay. If I pocket all the smiles of my baby, the laughter when he's tickled, the feeling of my husband's hand clasped around mine at night, the long hug from my Dad when I am leaving for chemo...letting me know he's there, my mom's hand wiping away my tears when I just breakdown, the times when my sisters call just to tell me they love me. I put that positivity in my back pocket and when the pity party starts, I open that pocket up and let those memories, that love flow. It makes me feel less alone, less scared of what is to come. Slowly but surely, the darkness drifts away, and I find myself ready to fight. Not because I am this all powerful, super human. I am anything but. I am scared, and mourning the life I had BC. But I have to force myself to lose the anxiety and wonder, allow myself to wonder, of a bright future. I have to think of this as a new beginning. It will be rewritten very differently from the version my 10-year-old self had (thank god in many ways for that!), however, it is far from over. My hair will be shorter, my body scarred in many ways, there may be more chemo in the future, I will have hot flashes from the medication, and other twists and turns. However, I will also ALWAYS have a reason to fight, a reason to have faith, a reason to believe. God hasn't given me any other reason to not believe at this point. I have been given the gift of redefining who I am and why I am on this earth. I will not let the negativity in and I will not give up. I can't. I'm not done yet. I am a force to be reckoned with Cancer, and I am just getting started. Don't worry team, I've got this!
Friday, March 14, 2014
You're Never Too Old to Come Home....
First off, I'm alive and well. I know it has been a long time since I posted last. As one of my oncology nurses said, "Jodie it's been since February 21...it's now MARCH!" My cousin, Pauly, summed it up perfectly when he said, oh so eloquently, that he was telling people I wasn't writing because "Dude, you're doing good, right?" And yes, he was correct. I've been busy soaking up the limited sunshine was have had, taking Sam out to "see the light" and smell the spring air. I found that I had an extra spring in my step, my color wasn't so sallow, my ability to get out of bed was just a little easier. Then of course, a blizzard hit! And with the blizzard came pain and bloodwork and x-rays on my end. I guess my medical journey is like a page out of the weather forecast for Syracuse, NY. All sunshine and roses one day, then gusty winds and white outs the next. That's what a cancer diagnosis is, I suppose.
These past few weeks have been mostly great. I felt more like myself than I had in a while. My energy seemed to come back and I spent a lot of my day laughing and playing with Sammy. He's getting up on all fours now, so it is a matter of days, not weeks, before he starts crawling. Oh boy. Life has been good. We visited with people and took walks, in my weak attempt to "get back in shape." I joke and say that Sammy takes me on lunch dates and shopping trips....he's quite the shopper!
Of course, in having these big adventure days, I didn't often take into account how the chemo was going to affect me. After a long day of feeling like myself, I would be knocked on my butt and in bed all day completely fatigued. Then I would beat myself up for not being a mommy on those days and for being tired. I would have to remind myself that this was my body's reaction to chemo and not me being a lazy lump. But it is hard to let yourself off the hook at times. Especially when you go a day feeling almost as if you are cancer-free! Getting knocked down again, just serves as a torturous reminder that your body is in the fight of its life.
Last night was a bad night. I had been battling what felt like a stiff neck or pulled muscle all day. I attributed it to lugging 23 lb Sammy around town. (Seriously, you put him in one of those carriers and you get yourself a nice arms workout!) As the night progressed, the stiffness and muscle spasms became worse. Now, because my cancer is in my liver, I can't just toss back some drugs and sleep it off. I have to be careful what I take because of that and also because I have had some bleeding, so Aleve and blood thinners are a no-no too. I've become the anti-med patient at this point, scared of what may happen if I try to take something. I feel like I have made so much progress with my liver (the nurse practitioner agreed with me the other day when she examined me....it is NORMAL SIZE now, which is HUGE!). I don't want to take two steps back and start tearing away at the progress I have made. And I don't want to end up back in the hospital with bleeding again because as good as I look in a hospital gown, it ain't worth it.
Well, stupid me didn't take anything and tried to go to bed. I took my sleeping pill and sort of sighed myself to sleep because it wasn't exactly a pain-free arrangement. I figured my pill would knock me out and I would be ok. It did, for about 2 hours. Then I woke up and couldn't lift my head off the pillow. I was scared because the pain was so intense, it took my breath away. I've thrown out my back before and experienced similar pain then, but when you have cancer, everything seems ten times worse.
I woke my mom up as I stood over her stuck in a cockeyed position. I couldn't move my head, it hurt so much I was crying, and I needed my mom. She helped me down the stairs, set up a bed on the couch and went to work. Cupboards were opening, she was shuffling around, the microwave was buzzing, and pill bottles were rattling....all at 1 a.m., and she has to go to work at 5. All the while I was laying on my pillows with tears streaming down my face. My head had already gone to that dark place. What if the cancer had metastasized to my bones? Was this how it would feel? If so, it was agony. Or what if it was meningitis? My immune system is compromised after all, and it hurt to touch my chin to my chest and I had had a headache the night before (oh the joys of being a nurse's kid who knows too much!). As my mom put moist heat under my head along with a heating pad she had in her car (god knows why), I shakily lifted my head and sucked in a deep breath because of the pain. When I laid down and let the air out, I sobbed to her "Promise me it hasn't metastasized to my bones! Promise me!" How awful of me to put my mom in that position! But she is my mom, and always has taken care of me. I needed her to tell me it was going to be ok, that I was not going down a darker road. She couldn't promise me anything. All she could say was that it appeared to be muscular and that was a good sign. I told her to go upstairs and sleep with my baby. She insisted she stay downstairs and sleep with her "baby." Mom didn't leave my side. She continued to make sure I had heat on my neck and dried my tears. I know, if I had asked, she would have scooped me up and rocked me to sleep, even though we are the same size nowadays. Because she is a mom, first and foremost.
The beauty of my parents is that they put their kids first....always have. My mother called in sick because she wanted to be by my side when I went to the doctor and to hold my hand if they did find something. She wanted to keep me comfortable and checked on me all morning long as I lay in bed suffering in pain. She wanted to quiet my fears, as best she could.
My dad, for as tough and gruff as he looks, can't stand to see me in pain. He and my mother are a team in these situations. Dad took on Sammy, and I could rest assured listening to the two of them spitting at eachother and Sam laughing. He was feeding him, playing with him, making sure I didn't worry. He and mom discussed what they should do for me, when they should call the doctor and how I would get there. They both have been worn down by this cancer diagnosis. My father's body is reacting against it and he developed a stress rash that he has to take steroids for in order to function. Mom is so beat. She is getting up at night with Sammy so I can rest, then going to work on her feet for 10 hours a day and sometimes the weekends too. They put me first and have shown me what parents are supposed to do, how to be their support when they are weak. I know that both of them would walk through fire for me. I'm reassured on a daily basis by my mom that if she could take on my suffering, instead of me, that she would.
That's a parent's job, and their love and support has shown me just how much I need to survive for Sammy. I ache at the thought of not getting to pick up the pieces of his broken heart some day, or not being able to sleep next to him when he has a nightmare, or kissing his boo-boos like only a mom can do when he falls down. Moms and Dads are there to pull you up when you fall, give you a reassuring hug, and send you back out to figure out the world on your own. But they are always there in the background if you need them.
Now at 35 years old, I need my parents just as much as I did when I was five. They are the reason I am winning this fight, plain and simple. They have opened their home to us, fed us, cried with us, and rejoiced with us. Today, as I sat in that office waiting on the results of my scan, I looked at my mom. She looked tired, scared, but ready to catch me if I fell. She is as dependable as they come. She's my rock, just as her mother was her rock to her. Her hands have aged, but they are the same soft hands that dried my tears as a child, and held me when I broke down and needed a hug. Those same hands now clasp mine in the quiet moments...just to reassure me she is there.
My dad, he just got up and made me soup and rice for dinner, after I slept all day. He watched over me as I ate it, making sure I got the potassium I needed and ate my vegetables. Then he hugged me hard before he went to bed and told me to keep on fighting. That's what a Dad does. He makes you feel safe and supported no matter what your age.
What I guess I have learned through the twists and turns of this journey is you are never too old to come home. My parents have literally carried me through this hard time, protecting me, holding me and assuring their grandson that he is loved and cared for no matter what. So even though I may roll my eyes when my mom chases me around with a water bottle telling me to "Drink!" or when my dad makes me eat all the spinach because I need to fix my anemia, I still love them for what they are doing. They are putting me first, as they always have, and shooting the moon to make sure I win this fight.
Every night while I say my prayers in bed, I thank God for being born to these two people. I couldn't imagine not having their love and support through all of this. I don't know that I would be surviving without it. But I also pray for them because I don't know that they know how much they mean to me and my sisters. I pray that my dad stop smoking and drinking because if you were to see Sammy's face light up when he comes in the room, you would want him to be around forever too. I understand that cigarettes are like heroin and drinking numbs the pain and anxiety of what is going on, but we need you Dad. I need you, Sam needs you. And Mom, I pray that she take care of herself for once, instead of everyone else. Putting yourself on the backburner mom, is not the answer. Stop drinking the damn diet soda. You deserve to live a long happy life. I need you, Sam needs you.
I'm happy to report that I don't have meningitis and my x-rays showed no mets to my bones. A huge sigh of relief on all our parts. But that didn't mean that my parents stopped caring. I was given time to rest and relax once I got home, to cry a little and be by myself. Mom told me she wished she could take it all away. Dad told me to keep on getting better. All the while, they were taking care of Sam, Bill and me. The thing is, Mom and Dad, you are taking it all away and making me get better. If it weren't for you, I would be struggling to stay afloat and feeling alone. You have shown me how to be for Sam and what being a parent is all about. Thank you for carrying me and loving me through all of this. Having you both on my side, I know, we got this.
These past few weeks have been mostly great. I felt more like myself than I had in a while. My energy seemed to come back and I spent a lot of my day laughing and playing with Sammy. He's getting up on all fours now, so it is a matter of days, not weeks, before he starts crawling. Oh boy. Life has been good. We visited with people and took walks, in my weak attempt to "get back in shape." I joke and say that Sammy takes me on lunch dates and shopping trips....he's quite the shopper!
Of course, in having these big adventure days, I didn't often take into account how the chemo was going to affect me. After a long day of feeling like myself, I would be knocked on my butt and in bed all day completely fatigued. Then I would beat myself up for not being a mommy on those days and for being tired. I would have to remind myself that this was my body's reaction to chemo and not me being a lazy lump. But it is hard to let yourself off the hook at times. Especially when you go a day feeling almost as if you are cancer-free! Getting knocked down again, just serves as a torturous reminder that your body is in the fight of its life.
Last night was a bad night. I had been battling what felt like a stiff neck or pulled muscle all day. I attributed it to lugging 23 lb Sammy around town. (Seriously, you put him in one of those carriers and you get yourself a nice arms workout!) As the night progressed, the stiffness and muscle spasms became worse. Now, because my cancer is in my liver, I can't just toss back some drugs and sleep it off. I have to be careful what I take because of that and also because I have had some bleeding, so Aleve and blood thinners are a no-no too. I've become the anti-med patient at this point, scared of what may happen if I try to take something. I feel like I have made so much progress with my liver (the nurse practitioner agreed with me the other day when she examined me....it is NORMAL SIZE now, which is HUGE!). I don't want to take two steps back and start tearing away at the progress I have made. And I don't want to end up back in the hospital with bleeding again because as good as I look in a hospital gown, it ain't worth it.
Well, stupid me didn't take anything and tried to go to bed. I took my sleeping pill and sort of sighed myself to sleep because it wasn't exactly a pain-free arrangement. I figured my pill would knock me out and I would be ok. It did, for about 2 hours. Then I woke up and couldn't lift my head off the pillow. I was scared because the pain was so intense, it took my breath away. I've thrown out my back before and experienced similar pain then, but when you have cancer, everything seems ten times worse.
I woke my mom up as I stood over her stuck in a cockeyed position. I couldn't move my head, it hurt so much I was crying, and I needed my mom. She helped me down the stairs, set up a bed on the couch and went to work. Cupboards were opening, she was shuffling around, the microwave was buzzing, and pill bottles were rattling....all at 1 a.m., and she has to go to work at 5. All the while I was laying on my pillows with tears streaming down my face. My head had already gone to that dark place. What if the cancer had metastasized to my bones? Was this how it would feel? If so, it was agony. Or what if it was meningitis? My immune system is compromised after all, and it hurt to touch my chin to my chest and I had had a headache the night before (oh the joys of being a nurse's kid who knows too much!). As my mom put moist heat under my head along with a heating pad she had in her car (god knows why), I shakily lifted my head and sucked in a deep breath because of the pain. When I laid down and let the air out, I sobbed to her "Promise me it hasn't metastasized to my bones! Promise me!" How awful of me to put my mom in that position! But she is my mom, and always has taken care of me. I needed her to tell me it was going to be ok, that I was not going down a darker road. She couldn't promise me anything. All she could say was that it appeared to be muscular and that was a good sign. I told her to go upstairs and sleep with my baby. She insisted she stay downstairs and sleep with her "baby." Mom didn't leave my side. She continued to make sure I had heat on my neck and dried my tears. I know, if I had asked, she would have scooped me up and rocked me to sleep, even though we are the same size nowadays. Because she is a mom, first and foremost.
The beauty of my parents is that they put their kids first....always have. My mother called in sick because she wanted to be by my side when I went to the doctor and to hold my hand if they did find something. She wanted to keep me comfortable and checked on me all morning long as I lay in bed suffering in pain. She wanted to quiet my fears, as best she could.
My dad, for as tough and gruff as he looks, can't stand to see me in pain. He and my mother are a team in these situations. Dad took on Sammy, and I could rest assured listening to the two of them spitting at eachother and Sam laughing. He was feeding him, playing with him, making sure I didn't worry. He and mom discussed what they should do for me, when they should call the doctor and how I would get there. They both have been worn down by this cancer diagnosis. My father's body is reacting against it and he developed a stress rash that he has to take steroids for in order to function. Mom is so beat. She is getting up at night with Sammy so I can rest, then going to work on her feet for 10 hours a day and sometimes the weekends too. They put me first and have shown me what parents are supposed to do, how to be their support when they are weak. I know that both of them would walk through fire for me. I'm reassured on a daily basis by my mom that if she could take on my suffering, instead of me, that she would.
That's a parent's job, and their love and support has shown me just how much I need to survive for Sammy. I ache at the thought of not getting to pick up the pieces of his broken heart some day, or not being able to sleep next to him when he has a nightmare, or kissing his boo-boos like only a mom can do when he falls down. Moms and Dads are there to pull you up when you fall, give you a reassuring hug, and send you back out to figure out the world on your own. But they are always there in the background if you need them.
Now at 35 years old, I need my parents just as much as I did when I was five. They are the reason I am winning this fight, plain and simple. They have opened their home to us, fed us, cried with us, and rejoiced with us. Today, as I sat in that office waiting on the results of my scan, I looked at my mom. She looked tired, scared, but ready to catch me if I fell. She is as dependable as they come. She's my rock, just as her mother was her rock to her. Her hands have aged, but they are the same soft hands that dried my tears as a child, and held me when I broke down and needed a hug. Those same hands now clasp mine in the quiet moments...just to reassure me she is there.
My dad, he just got up and made me soup and rice for dinner, after I slept all day. He watched over me as I ate it, making sure I got the potassium I needed and ate my vegetables. Then he hugged me hard before he went to bed and told me to keep on fighting. That's what a Dad does. He makes you feel safe and supported no matter what your age.
What I guess I have learned through the twists and turns of this journey is you are never too old to come home. My parents have literally carried me through this hard time, protecting me, holding me and assuring their grandson that he is loved and cared for no matter what. So even though I may roll my eyes when my mom chases me around with a water bottle telling me to "Drink!" or when my dad makes me eat all the spinach because I need to fix my anemia, I still love them for what they are doing. They are putting me first, as they always have, and shooting the moon to make sure I win this fight.
Every night while I say my prayers in bed, I thank God for being born to these two people. I couldn't imagine not having their love and support through all of this. I don't know that I would be surviving without it. But I also pray for them because I don't know that they know how much they mean to me and my sisters. I pray that my dad stop smoking and drinking because if you were to see Sammy's face light up when he comes in the room, you would want him to be around forever too. I understand that cigarettes are like heroin and drinking numbs the pain and anxiety of what is going on, but we need you Dad. I need you, Sam needs you. And Mom, I pray that she take care of herself for once, instead of everyone else. Putting yourself on the backburner mom, is not the answer. Stop drinking the damn diet soda. You deserve to live a long happy life. I need you, Sam needs you.
I'm happy to report that I don't have meningitis and my x-rays showed no mets to my bones. A huge sigh of relief on all our parts. But that didn't mean that my parents stopped caring. I was given time to rest and relax once I got home, to cry a little and be by myself. Mom told me she wished she could take it all away. Dad told me to keep on getting better. All the while, they were taking care of Sam, Bill and me. The thing is, Mom and Dad, you are taking it all away and making me get better. If it weren't for you, I would be struggling to stay afloat and feeling alone. You have shown me how to be for Sam and what being a parent is all about. Thank you for carrying me and loving me through all of this. Having you both on my side, I know, we got this.
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